As a prospective accounting major, you know that finding an affordable school will cut down on the size of your initial investment, and go a long way to ensuring that you receive a great return on investment for your accredited accounting program. Finding a cheap accounting program does not mean you will sacrifice education quality, as many expensive schools charge exorbitant tuition prices because of their investment into campus amenities and other bells and whistles. Fortunately, there are a variety of great accounting programs that are dedicated to providing their students with the knowledge they need to succeed in the world of accounting, without charging an arm and a leg. For a list of some of the best accounting schools that offer the most competitive tuition rates, check out our ranking of the best accounting schools with affordable rates. Our methodology for ranking the best affordable accounting programs took into account:
- Accreditation: The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), and the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education (IACBE) vet business programs at colleges and universities to ensure that educational quality is maintained.
- Tuition Rates: All of the schools on our list cost average tuition of under $10,000.
- Educational Merit: The schools on the list have been ranked according to features such as low student-to-teacher ratios, graduation rates, and internship opportunities.
Students looking for affordable tuition rates should also take into account online learning opportunities, as they do not require students to pay for room and board and provide students schedule flexibility that allows them to maintain full-time employment while working on their degree. They should also remember that many public state schools offer especially low tuition rates for in-state students, regardless of whether they are taking classes online or on campus. As a potential accounting major looking for an affordable accounting program, you should be sure to conduct A Cost/Benefit Analysis of a Bachelor’s Degree. In the United States, Accountants and Auditors make an average annual salary of $69,350, which means that students who have paid less than $10,000 a year for their degree can often pay off their student loans within one year of full-time employment. Some of the schools that ranked on our list of the cheapest accounting degree programs include:
- Dickinson State University: Offers students the choice between specializing with a corporate accounting track, or a professional accounting track, while charging tuition of $6,554 for in-state students, and $9,226 for out-of-state students, with 93% of students receiving financial aid.
- Alcorn State University: Provides a curriculum geared towards preparing students to pass their CPA exam, while charging tuition of $6,888 and awarding 100% of their students with some form of financial aid.
- Bellevue University: Offers students the ability to earn their Accounting degree in an online format, charge a tuition rate of $7,752, and give 89% of students help with financial aid.
For our full list of great options for cheap accounting degrees, check out our ranking of the Top 15 Cheapest Bachelor Degrees in Accounting. If any of the schools pique your interest you should visit their website to request more information, and see what kind of financial aid package they can put together for you.
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