The best schools for psychology are at your fingertips right now. You don’t need to move to access them, and you don’t need to attend classes in person if you don’t want to. At Bachelor’s Degree Center, we pride ourselves on ranking and profiling colleges and universities, their programs, and answering common questions people have about the current landscape of higher education. We rank schools on a number of different criteria and also organize them by degree level, specialization, and features like online or accelerated delivery.
When looking through the programs on our Top 15 Bachelor’s Degrees in Psychology ranking, you’ll get to learn about schools offering a BA in psychology that have been vetted by varied and critical criteria. These schools were chosen because they were well-rounded in what they offer students. From there you can delve deeper into their programming and find the fastest program you can, without sacrificing quality.
Remember, there are more questions to ask yourself in your search for the best schools in psychology (or any other discipline) than just how quickly you can complete them. Some good questions to ask yourself in any college search include:
- What are the most prestigious schools?
- What schools have the best retention and graduate rates?
- What schools have the best graduate employment rates in psychology?
- How much will it cost?
- How is the program delivered? On-campus, online, or in a hybrid format?
We defined the best schools for psychology by looking at graduation and retention rates, cost of attendance, low student to faculty ratios, the amount of financial aid they offered, prestige, and much more, to make those questions easier on you.
Our best psychology schools ranking, relied on the U.S. News and World Report’s ranking for “Best Undergraduate Teaching,” the NCES College Navigator database, and other primary resources in this ranking, and throughout our other Bachelor Degree Program Rankings. We give preference to schools known for providing generous financial aid, and we always prize flexibility and accelerated or online delivery formats. All the programs on our psychology had to offer experiential, hands-on learning. Other things considered included faculty credentials, lab specializations, university prestige, off-campus learning, and graduation rates.
When it comes to college, speed isn’t necessarily the name of the game. However, you know yourself and your needs best. If you’ve just got to get through a psychology BA as quickly as you can, you’ll find options to do exactly that. The best schools for psychology will provide you what you personally need, at a price you can afford, and markedly improve your earning power and career opportunities once you’ve completed them.
But if the best psychology school for you has the quickest psychology program you can complete, we’ve got you covered. We’ve specifically ranked the Fastest Online Psychology Bachelor’s Degrees so you don’t have to look through more traditional schools to find one that will allow you to move through it swiftly. All of the programs on this ranking were designed with your desires in mind.
So get searching, and you’ll find the best schools for psychology whether you want them fast, cheap, easy, prestigious — however you want them, they’re here. For a full look at our rankings, make sure to visit our homepage.
25 Best Bachelor’s in Psychology
15 Best Online Bachelor’s in Psychology