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Key Infor­ma­tion:

  • Ari­zona State Uni­ver­si­ty and Ore­gon State Uni­ver­si­ty are two top schools with an online bach­e­lor’s degree in Span­ish.
  • A degree in Span­ish opens diverse career paths such as ESL teach­ing, trans­la­tion, inter­na­tion­al rela­tions, and more, espe­cial­ly giv­en the grow­ing His­pan­ic pop­u­la­tion in the U.S.
  • Some pro­grams include study abroad oppor­tu­ni­ties and intern­ships to enhance lan­guage skills and cul­tur­al understanding.

¡Bien­venidos! In this arti­cle, we’ve out­lined the best online Span­ish bach­e­lor’s degrees that devel­op the oral, read­ing, and writ­ing skills for flu­en­cy in this Romance lan­guage. Evolved from Latin in 210 BC, Span­ish is now the globe’s sec­ond-most pop­u­lar native tongue spo­ken by 570 mil­lion. The Cen­sus Bureau report­ed that the num­ber of U.S. Span­ish speak­ers has jumped over 133 per­cent since 1990. Col­lege Span­ish majors are also increas­ing to learn valu­able lessons about lin­guis­tics plus Iber­ian and Latin Amer­i­can cul­ture. Span­ish was ranked the third eas­i­est for­eign dialect by Babbel because of its clear-cut cog­nates and con­ju­ga­tions. Learn­ing Span­ish is help­ful for any job work­ing with His­pan­ic pop­u­la­tions, such as an ESL teacher, for­eign cor­re­spon­dent, trav­el agent, bilin­gual sales rep, immi­gra­tion offi­cer, and diplo­mat. The Bureau of Labor Sta­tis­tics even pre­dicts hir­ing of Span­ish trans­la­tors will spike by 18 per­cent by 2026.

There­fore, our team used the NCES Col­lege Nav­i­ga­tor and Google to locate flex­i­ble online Span­ish bach­e­lor’s pro­grams for work­ing adults seek­ing to prac­tice Español at home. Our ini­tial search nar­rowed down four-year degrees avail­able via dis­tance edu­ca­tion in Span­ish from non­prof­it col­leges only. Next, we used the U.S. Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion data­base to check for up-to-date region­al accred­i­ta­tion. Our list was then rearranged based on pres­tige in nation­al online rank­ings from the U.S. News & World Report. Afford­abil­i­ty was judged based on the web­site’s pub­lished out-of-state online tuition for 2018–19. Oth­er impor­tant fac­tors were the num­ber of Span­ish flu­ent fac­ul­ty, stu­dent diver­si­ty, study abroad avail­abil­i­ty, CELU exam suc­cess, Web con­fer­enc­ing tools, finan­cial aid, cred­it trans­fer, and term length. Say ¡Hola! to our Top 20 Bach­e­lor’s Degrees in Span­ish Online below.

1. Arizona State University

The School of Inter­na­tion­al Let­ters and Cul­tures at Ari­zona State Uni­ver­si­ty, the #4 best online school on the U.S. News, starts an Online Span­ish BA six times year­ly. Head­ed by Dr. Jesus Ros­ales, an Ernesto Galarza Award recip­i­ent, the 120-cred­it degree requires 7.5‑week Black­board cours­es like His­pan­ic Lit­er­a­ture and Span­ish Syntax.

Online Tuition: $520/credit

Learn more about the Top Bach­e­lor’s Degrees in Span­ish Online at Ari­zona State Uni­ver­si­ty here.

2. Oregon State University

Ranked #6 by the U.S. News, Ore­gon State Uni­ver­si­ty’s eCam­pus grants the Bach­e­lor of Arts (B.A.) in Span­ish Online via Can­vas with a required intern­ship or Sala­man­ca trip led by Eric Dove. Each 11-week quar­ter, the World Lan­guages & Cul­tures Depart­ment sched­ules dig­i­tal cours­es like Span­ish Con­ver­sa­tion and Mex­i­can Film Studies.

Online Tuition: $297/credit

Learn more about the Top Bach­e­lor’s Degrees in Span­ish Online at Ore­gon State Uni­ver­si­ty here.

3. University of Arkansas

The Bach­e­lor of Arts in Inter­dis­ci­pli­nary Stud­ies at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Arkansas, U.S. News’ #16 best online col­lege, lets stu­dents work with the Ful­bright Advis­ing Cen­ter to cus­tomize eight con­cen­tra­tions, includ­ing Span­ish. Direct­ed by Dr. Steve Bell, the 120-cred­it degree trans­fers up to 75 cred­its before Black­board cours­es like Cul­tur­al Readings.

Online Tuition: $246/credit

Learn more about the Top Bach­e­lor’s Degrees in Span­ish at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Arkansas here.

4. University of Arizona

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Ari­zona, Amer­i­ca’s #56 best online insti­tute on the U.S. News, began ful­ly online Black­board cours­es for the Col­lege of Human­i­ties’ Span­ish Major (B.A.). Orga­nized by Dr. King de Ramirez, the 120-cred­it dis­tance pro­gram still offers the Cos­ta Rica Inten­sive, El Inde­pen­di­ente intern­ship, and Sig­ma Delta Pi membership.

Online Tuition: $500/credit

Learn more about the Top Bach­e­lor’s Degrees in Span­ish at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ari­zona here.

5. Florida International University

Co-found­ed by Dr. Juan-Navar­ro San­ti­a­go, the 2012 Fac­ul­ty Sen­ate Teach­ing Award win­ner, the BA in Span­ish is among Flori­da Inter­na­tion­al Uni­ver­si­ty’s 41 online bach­e­lor’s ranked #60 by the U.S. News. The Steven J. Green School of Inter­na­tion­al Affairs man­dates 60 trans­fer cred­its before Can­vas cours­es like Lin­guis­tics and Translation.

Online Tuition: $329/credit

Learn more about the Top Bach­e­lor’s Degrees in Span­ish Online at Flori­da Inter­na­tion­al Uni­ver­si­ty here.

6. Valdosta State University

In August 2015, the Bach­e­lor of Arts in Span­ish at Val­dos­ta State Uni­ver­si­ty, the U.S. News’ #107 top pick, joined the Uni­ver­si­ty Sys­tem of Geor­gia’s eMa­jor ini­tia­tive for eight-week Black­board cours­es. The 53-cred­it major coor­di­nat­ed by Dr. Ofe­lia Nikolo­va mix­es the Smart­Path Core with online top­ics like Span­ish Phonol­o­gy and Barcelona trips.

Online Tuition: $226/credit

Learn more about the Top Bach­e­lor’s Degrees in Span­ish Online at Val­dos­ta State Uni­ver­si­ty here.

7. National University

Award­ed the 2012 CASE Cir­cle of Excel­lence Gold Prize, Nation­al Uni­ver­si­ty placed #131 on the U.S. News with 9,243 under­grads pur­su­ing 90+ online degrees like the Bach­e­lor of Arts in Span­ish. This 180-cred­it cur­ricu­lum mapped by Dr. Rachel Van­Wieren fills 12-week quar­ters with Black­board cours­es and option­al Cal­i­for­nia teach­ing credentialing.

Online Tuition: $370/credit

Learn more about the Top Bach­e­lor’s Degrees in Span­ish Online at Nation­al Uni­ver­si­ty here.

8. Northeastern State University

Tied for #138 on the U.S. News, North­east­ern State Uni­ver­si­ty deliv­ers 400+ Black­board cours­es, includ­ing all 3000- and 4000-lev­el require­ments for the Span­ish Bach­e­lor of Arts. Led by Dr. Mike Chanslor, the Lan­guages & Lit­er­a­ture Depart­ment offers the ESL Cer­tifi­cate and Spain Semes­ter atop hybrid Tahle­quah ses­sions like Lati­no Cultures.

Online Tuition: $430/credit

Learn more about the Top Bach­e­lor’s Degrees in Span­ish Online at North­east­ern State Uni­ver­si­ty here.

9. Liberty University

Ded­i­cat­ed to Romans 10:14, Lib­er­ty Uni­ver­si­ty enrolls 37,872 online in an evan­gel­i­cal Black­board envi­ron­ment for the U.S. News’ #184 best bach­e­lor’s degrees like its Span­ish B.A. The Mod­ern Lan­guages Depart­ment grants the 36-cred­it, non-licen­sure major under Dr. Andrew Milac­ci with an on-site Sum­mer Span­ish Insti­tute and Guatemala trip.

Online Tuition: $390/credit

Learn more about the Top Bach­e­lor’s Degrees in Span­ish Online at Lib­er­ty Uni­ver­si­ty here.

10. University of Louisiana-Monroe

The School of Human­i­ties at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Louisiana-Mon­roe, Amer­i­ca’s #210 top online teacher on the U.S. News, offers the Online BA in Mod­ern Lan­guages with tracks for French or Span­ish. Advised by Dr. Charles Hol­loway, a 2018 NSLS Excel­lence Award win­ner, the 125-cred­it degree inte­grates eight-week Moo­dle cours­es like Phonetics.

Online Tuition: $400/credit

Learn more about the Top Bach­e­lor’s Degrees in Span­ish Online at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Louisiana-Mon­roe here.

11. Cedar Crest College

Cedar Crest Col­lege, the U.S. News’ #237 best choice, has a 10:1 learn­er-fac­ul­ty ratio for the Lehigh Val­ley’s only Span­ish Major (B.A.) with evening or online Can­vas ses­sions and a Belize trip. Over­seen by Prof. Mar­i­anel­la Omana, the 30-cred­it, flex­i­ble major involves cours­es like Span­ish for Health Pro­fes­sion­als taught by native speakers.

Online Tuition: $575/credit

Learn more about the Top Bach­e­lor’s Degrees in Span­ish Online at Cedar Crest Col­lege here.

12. Mercy College

Giv­en six 2018 Mod­el Unit­ed Nations Awards, Mer­cy Col­lege hous­es an Online B.A. in Span­ish Lan­guage & Lit­er­a­ture with­in its School of Lib­er­al Arts for the #249 best edu­ca­tion accord­ing to the U.S. News. The 120-cred­it cur­ricu­lum man­aged by Dr. Elise Arnold-Lev­ene has Black­board cours­es like La Gra­mat­i­ca Españo­la and Pre­cep­ti­va Literaria.

Online Tuition: $774/credit

Learn more about the Top Bach­e­lor’s Degrees in Span­ish Online at Mer­cy Col­lege here.

13. Drury University

In four, eight, or 16-week for­mats, the Col­lege of Con­tin­u­ing Pro­fes­sion­al Stud­ies at Drury Uni­ver­si­ty, the U.S. News’ #264 top online school, awards the CCPS Bach­e­lor of Sci­ence in Span­ish 100 per­cent online. Chaired by Dr. Kevin Hen­der­son, the 124-cred­it pro­gram helps reach the Advanced ACTFL lev­el with Moo­dle cours­es like Lan­guage Tools.

Online Tuition: $308/credit

14. Thomas Edison State University

Fea­tured in Amer­i­ca’s top 346 by the U.S. News, Thomas Edi­son State Uni­ver­si­ty lets adults access the Heav­in School of Arts & Sci­ences vir­tu­al­ly by Moo­dle for a BA in For­eign Lan­guage. The 40–120 cred­it cus­tom pro­gram admin­is­tered by Dr. John Woznic­ki offers four tracks in French, Span­ish, Ger­man, or Ital­ian with one glob­al learn­ing requirement.

Online Tuition: $499/credit

Learn more about the Top Bach­e­lor’s Degrees in Span­ish Online at Thomas Edi­son State Uni­ver­si­ty here.

15. Fort Valley State University

Exclu­sive­ly on D2L Bright­space, the Online B.S. in Orga­ni­za­tion­al Lead­er­ship at Fort Val­ley State Uni­ver­si­ty, the U.S. News’ 34th best HBCU, offers four unique emphases, such as Span­ish for Pro­fes­sion­als. The 120-cred­it degree direct­ed by Dr. Berlethia Pitts always bills low in-state tuition for online cours­es like Cul­tur­al Diver­si­ty with practica.

Online Tuition: $189/credit

Learn more about the Top Bach­e­lor’s Degrees in Span­ish Online at Fort Val­ley State Uni­ver­si­ty here.

16. Judson College

Accept­ing $30 appli­ca­tions year-round, the Dis­tance Learn­ing Office at Jud­son Col­lege, one of Amer­i­ca’s top 229 lib­er­al arts schools on the U.S. News, pro­vides the B.A. Span­ish Major on Moo­dle. The 33-cred­it major advised by Dr. Laris­sa Clachar uses Lan­guage Lab resources for class­es like Con­ver­sa­tion­al Span­ish and Latin Amer­i­can Literature.

Online Tuition: $495/credit

17. Grand Canyon University

Grand Canyon Uni­ver­si­ty, a 2013 Ste­vie Gold Award win­ner ranked in Amer­i­ca’s top 300 by the U.S. News, hous­es a Bach­e­lor of Arts in Span­ish with­in its Col­lege of Human­i­ties & Social Sci­ences led by Dr. Sher­man Elliott. The 120-cred­it, VA-approved plan logs into Black­board for 15-week online cours­es in Penin­su­lar and Latin Amer­i­can dialects.

Online Tuition: $470/credit

Learn more about the Top Bach­e­lor’s Degrees in Span­ish Online at Grand Canyon Uni­ver­si­ty here.

18. University of Southern Mississippi

The Col­lege of Arts & Sci­ences at the Uni­ver­si­ty of South­ern Mis­sis­sip­pi, the #248 high school coun­selor pick on the U.S. News, has the B.A. in For­eign Lan­guages and Lit­er­a­ture par­tial­ly on Black­board. Led by Dr. Christo­pher Miles, the 120-cred­it hybrid degree offers the Span­ish Con­cen­tra­tion, Trans­la­tion Ser­vices, and Taste of Life in Peru trip.

Online Tuition: $379/credit

Learn more about the Top Bach­e­lor’s Degrees in Span­ish Online at the Uni­ver­si­ty of South­ern Mis­sis­sip­pi here.

19. Eastern New Mexico University

Ranked in the West­’s top 126 by the U.S. News, East­ern New Mex­i­co Uni­ver­si­ty records Medi­a­site lec­tures and starts bilin­gual Skype dis­cus­sions for the Col­lege of Lib­er­al Arts & Sci­ences’ Online BA in Span­ish. The 120-cred­it, eight-term plan orga­nized by Dr. Car­ol Erwin offers month-long sum­mer immer­sions in Por­tales or Sololá, Guatemala.

Online Tuition: $338/credit

Learn more about the Top Bach­e­lor’s Degrees in Span­ish Online at East­ern New Mex­i­co Uni­ver­si­ty here.

20. Northern State University

Gift­ing $18.5 mil­lion year­ly, North­ern State Uni­ver­si­ty has an afford­ably priced Span­ish B.A. Online as the Mid­west­’s 99th top col­lege on the U.S. News. After a Black­board ori­en­ta­tion, the 32-cred­it major chaired by Dr. Juan Gon­za­lez intro­duces cours­es like Inte­grat­ed Writ­ing and Span­ish Cul­ture with an option­al four-week San­ti­a­go expedition.

Online Tuition: $340/credit

Learn more about the Top Bach­e­lor’s Degrees in Span­ish Online at North­ern State Uni­ver­si­ty here.

You will learn more than just lan­guage skills in a Span­ish pro­gram. You’ll study the his­to­ry of the span­ish-speak­ing world and span­ish lit­er­a­ture. You may vis­it Span­ish-speak­ing coun­tries. Your course­work and elec­tives will pre­pare you for career oppor­tu­ni­ties in a wide range of fields, like social work, sec­ondary edu­ca­tion, health­care, polit­i­cal sci­ence, Eng­lish as a sec­ond lan­guage edu­ca­tion, and more. Native Span­ish speak­ers can get under­grad­u­ate degrees in Span­ish, and move on to a master’s degree, to suc­ceed in their careers.

Before you choose your bachiller­a­to Span­ish degree pro­gram, learn about admis­sion require­ments and enroll­ment, such as pre­req­ui­site cours­es. Whether you choose an on-cam­pus or online pro­gram, Span­ish is a great choice.


Top 15 Bach­e­lor of Lib­er­al Arts Degree Programs

Top 15 Online Bach­e­lor of Lib­er­al Arts Degree Programs