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Accord­ing to the Unit­ed States Bureau of Labor Sta­tis­tics, the aver­age annu­al salary of Accoun­tants and Audi­tors is $69,350. In order for an accoun­tant to max­i­mize their earn­ing capa­bil­i­ties, they will need a bach­e­lor’s degree in account­ing, and pass the Cer­ti­fied Pub­lic Accoun­tant (CPA) Exam. Even with those two pre­req­ui­sites, the annu­al salary of an accoun­tant can vary based on a num­ber of dif­fer­ent vari­ables. Some things to take into account when pro­ject­ing your pos­si­ble earn­ings as an accoun­tant are:

  • Employ­er: Many account­ing firms hire recent grad­u­ates from account­ing pro­grams, where you can expect to earn a high­er salary than as a self-employed per­son­al tax accoun­tant. To earn an even greater salary, accoun­tants can apply to work for major insti­tu­tions or corporations.
  • Expe­ri­ence: As in most fields, entry-lev­el salaries are low­er than employ­ees with years of work experience.
  • Local Econ­o­my: There are dif­fer­ent costs of liv­ing depend­ing on your phys­i­cal loca­tion, so you can gen­er­al­ly expect to make a high­er salary if you live and work in an urban envi­ron­ment as opposed to a rur­al one.
  • Lev­el of Edu­ca­tion: While a bach­e­lor’s degree will suf­fice to get your foot in the door as an accoun­tant, there are also mas­ter’s and doc­tor­al degrees avail­able in account­ing, which will sig­nif­i­cant­ly raise your expect­ed salary.

There are cur­rent­ly 1,397,700 accoun­tants and audi­tors employed in the Unit­ed States, and that num­ber is expect­ed to increase by 10% over the next decade, which is faster than aver­age for most fields. This could mean that there will be a skills gap between qual­i­fied accoun­tants and the num­ber of jobs avail­able, which can poten­tial­ly increase the salary of accoun­tants by the time you have grad­u­at­ed and hit the job mar­ket. While it is dif­fi­cult to project into the future, a good first step at esti­mat­ing the return on invest­ment for your account­ing degree would be to con­duct a Cost/Benefit Analy­sis of A Bach­e­lor’s Degree. In order to ensure that you are get­ting the best deal on your account­ing degree, you should find a school with com­pet­i­tive tuition rates. To help you on your search we have com­piled a rank­ing of great account­ing degree pro­grams that offer annu­al tuition rates under $10,000. Earn­ing your bach­e­lor’s degree will:

  • Increase your expect­ed salary by an aver­age of $20,000 per year.
  • Qual­i­fy you for a num­ber of jobs that are not avail­able to appli­cants with high school diplomas.
  • Pro­vide you with the abil­i­ty to earn a mas­ter’s or doc­tor­al degree if you choose.

As an account­ing major, you will learn how to cal­cu­late the risk and reward of poten­tial invest­ments which can sig­nif­i­cant­ly increase your annu­al income. You will also be more aware of your expen­di­tures and be able to cre­ate effec­tive per­son­al finance strate­gies to ensure that you’re able to save for retire­ment while main­tain­ing a com­fort­able stan­dard of liv­ing. All of these dynam­ics mean that earn­ing an afford­able account­ing degree is one of the best routes to finan­cial sta­bil­i­ty. If any of the schools on our rank­ing of the top cheap­est bach­e­lor degrees in account­ing pique your inter­est, be sure to vis­it their web­site and request more information.


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