Any bachelor’s degree requires a large investment of both time and money, so prospective students are wise to consider the financial obligations that they are taking on when they enroll in a bachelor’s degree program. There is a wide range of tuition costs when it comes to bachelor degree accounting programs. There are also many different variables that can considerably reduce the amount of your financial investment. Ways to save on tuition for an accounting program include:
- Attending a public state school within your state of residence, as in-state tuitions are some of the best deals available.
- Earning a scholarship from your school or from a private institution can be worth thousands of dollars.
- Enrolling in an online program, you will be able to maintain your current employment, and will not have to pay for room and board.
- Financial Aid Packages are different for each school and depend on the financial situation of the individual student.
If you do not exhaust all of your options when it comes to paying for your degree, there is a high probability that you will join one of the many graduates that are weighed down by student loan debt. Fortunately, as an accounting major, you will be well versed in how to balance your budget. When looking for bachelor degree accounting programs, you should be sure to conduct A Cost/Benefit Analysis of a Bachelor’s Degree so that you will have a good idea of your expected return on investment. For reference to the best accounting programs, check out our ranking of the Top 15 Bachelor of Accounting Degree Programs.
If any of the schools on our list pique your interest, be sure to follow the links to their school website to request more information, and inquire about financial aid packages. While some of the top accounting programs are some of the most expensive in the country, such as New York University, which costs $50,464 per year, there are a number of other more affordable options that do not sacrifice educational quality, including:
- The University of Texas-Austin which costs $10,398 for in-state residents, and $36,744 for out-of-state residents, and 64% of students receive some form of financial aid.
- The University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, which costs $14,417 for in-state students, $26,603 for out-of-state students, and 81% of students receive some form of financial aid.
- Indiana University-Bloomington which costs $10,533 for in-state students, $34,845 for out-of-state students, and 77% of students receive some form of financial aid.
The good news for accounting majors is that there are a wide number of stable entry-level and upper-level jobs available for graduates, which will allow them to earn back their financial investment in their accounting degree. While most entry-level jobs for recent graduates with accounting degrees will earn somewhere in the range 60,000$-80,000$ per year, they provide valuable workplace experience which will qualify employed professionals for upper-level positions which earn six-figure salaries. All of the programs on our list of Top 15 Bachelor of Accounting Degree Programs will qualify graduates for entry-level jobs, so if any of the programs seem like the right fit for you, be sure to visit their website for more information.
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