The STEM subjects of science, technology, engineering, and math have often been areas of strength and interest for boys, but girls can be just as successful in STEM courses and careers. Jobs in these areas are often ones with high earning opportunities, making it a good idea for anyone to pursue them. With a degree in a STEM field, you can be positioned for lifelong success.
Engaging Girls in STEM Programs
The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that of the 20 fastest-growing occupations, 15 involve STEM skills, making these skills crucial for students.
Ten Reasons to Love Engineering
Engineering can be an exciting career for anyone that involves creativity, ingenuity, flexibility, and significant income.
Explore the science of animal biology by documenting creatures and their features in this game.
Tips for Encouraging Girls in STEM
Currently, girls are underrepresented in STEM professions, but everyone can succeed in these careers with the right preparation and opportunities.
This lesson plan presents an engineering activity that involves designing, building, and testing a gripper tool that will pick up a cup of sand.
Better Hair Through Chemistry
Applying chemistry to hair styling, students can explore the impact of humidity on hair to see how much longer a strand of hair becomes when humidity increases.
Try out this game to see how simple machines can help to solve problems using less force.
This STEM experiment helps students learn about density using syrup, oil, and water in a glass jar. The experiment involves adding a piece of plastic, a grape, and a cork to see how each item reacts to the different liquids.
Play this game to learn about where waste goes, the damage it can cause to the environment, and how we can minimize it.
Can We Feed the Growing Population?
This lesson plan presents students with the issue of producing enough food to meet the needs of the people. Students need to look at how land is used, soil quality, and crop production.
Imagine Your STEM Future (PDF)
With a focus on STEM disciplines, girls are encouraged to notice products and think about ways to improve them using science, technology, and engineering principles. Units in this activity packet include DNA extraction from a banana and building switches for a circuit.
This Is What STEM Looks Like (PDF)
The traditional perception of a scientist has been male, but recent depictions of this career include more women, thanks to a concentrated effort to provide girls with more STEM opportunities. Girls need educators and parents to advocate for them to ensure that they have a wealth of STEM opportunities.
Girls in Science and Engineering (PDF)
This resource is designed to help create learning opportunities specifically for girls to encourage their involvement in science and engineering.
STEM Challenge: Technology (PDF)
With a focus on technology, this STEM challenge offers many different activities designed to teach and enhance computer skills.
Designing Sewn Circuits and STEM Self-Efficacy in Middle-School Girls (PDF)
Read about how girls combined a stereotypically female skill, sewing, with engineering to create computer circuits that people could wear and how this activity increased their motivation to learn STEM skills.
Making Science and Technology Attractive for Girls (PDF)
Moving past gender stereotypes, girls can achieve all of the same goals in science and engineering as boys, especially if they have mentoring and encouragement from educators and others.
Learning about Mars is just one subject that girls and boys will explore as they dive into the science topics that are a part of STEM.
Make Breathtaking Epsom Salt Crystals Overnight!
STEM experiments can involve fun activities such as making Epsom salt crystals in a jar. Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate, which forms crystals after absorbing water.
Flower Power (PDF)
This lesson plan combines science and engineering, giving kids a chance to apply scientific knowledge to learn about molecules, organisms, patterns, and more.
16 Simple Science Activities for Kids That Will Pique Their Curiosity
Science experiments can be simple, involving water evaporation, melting ice, watching as plant leaves absorb water, or using candy to inflate balloons.
Building a scribble bot calls for a container powered by batteries, making it able to move over a piece of paper to make designs with markers.
Clotting to the Rescue: How to Stop Too Much Blood From Flowing
With a few materials, students can learn about how blood clots normally and how special chemicals can be used to affect how blood clots.
Biographies of Female Mathematicians
Reading through the short biographies of these female mathematicians can be motivating for any girls considering a math-focused career.
Work through the steps in this activity to learn about designing and building a model rocket that can be launched safely and successfully.
Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator (PDF)
Follow the steps to design and test a device that will slow down a spacecraft so it won’t crash.
30 Best STEM Colleges in the USA
25 Best Bachelor’s in Engineering Management
15 Best Online Bachelor’s in Engineering Management
25 Best Bachelor’s in Nuclear Engineering
15 Best Online Bachelor’s in Nuclear Engineering
25 Best Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering
5 Best Online Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering
10 Most Affordable Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering
25 Best Bachelor’s in Electrical Engineering
15 Best Online Bachelor’s in Electrical Engineering
25 Best Bachelor’s in Environmental Science
15 Best Online Bachelor’s in Environmental Science