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Key Infor­ma­tion:

  • Grad­u­ates with dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions degrees can pur­sue var­i­ous roles like jour­nal­ists, social media experts, or pub­lic rela­tions spe­cial­ists.
  • Stu­dents learn impor­tant skills like effec­tive writ­ing, adver­tis­ing tech­niques, and broad­cast­ing.
  • Many pro­grams offer online options, mak­ing them acces­si­ble for stu­dents with dif­fer­ent lifestyles or those liv­ing in remote areas.
  • Pro­grams often include spe­cial­iza­tions that allow stu­dents to focus on spe­cif­ic areas of inter­est with­in dig­i­tal communications.

Stu­dents who choose dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions often have fun, cre­ative per­son­al­i­ties. Many can either write con­tent or have a flair for opti­miz­ing con­tent to max­i­mize its appeal to shop­pers and online surfers. In this arti­cle, you will learn what dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions is and why it’s impor­tant. Prospec­tive stu­dents can also learn about online degrees, cer­ti­fi­ca­tions and licens­es that are valu­able for those who want to work in this field.

We will cov­er the fol­low­ing top­ics in this section:

  • What is dig­i­tal communications?
  • What is the def­i­n­i­tion of dig­i­tal communication?
  • Why is dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion important?

What is Digital Communications?

Dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions con­nects peo­ple with brand­ing online. Before the dig­i­tal rev­o­lu­tion, pro­fes­sion­als used TV, print media, bill­boards and radio to adver­tise their brand. Those chan­nels are still impor­tant but email, social net­works and blogs have gained prece­dence as ways to con­nect to prospec­tive customers.

Indi­vid­u­als who work in dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions design, imple­ment and man­age dig­i­tal adver­tis­ing and mar­ket­ing for their clients or employers.

Why is Digital Communication Important?

One rea­son why dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion is impor­tant is for busi­ness­es launch­ing cam­paigns to build their brand. Busi­ness­es cre­ate brand images for any­thing from launch­ing a start-up com­pa­ny to the rebrand­ing of a lega­cy com­pa­ny mov­ing in a new direction.

Anoth­er rea­son why dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion is impor­tant is to gen­er­ate aware­ness. Com­pa­nies cast their nets on the dig­i­tal sea hop­ing to draw atten­tion to their prod­ucts, val­ues and services.

Dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion pro­fes­sion­als design and imple­ment online cam­paigns designed to increase con­ver­sion. Con­ver­sion describes the process which inspires cus­tomers to move through dif­fer­ent stages of the mar­ket­ing fun­nel. At the top of the fun­nel, the cus­tomer first hears about the com­pa­ny, prod­uct or ser­vice. At the bot­tom of the fun­nel, they (hope­ful­ly) con­vert from prospects to buy­ing customers.

At its core, dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions is about cus­tomer ser­vice. Com­mu­ni­ty man­agers try to solve issues and answer ques­tions so that cus­tomers can see that they are going the extra mile. A sol­id dig­i­tal pres­ence can help com­pa­nies man­age risk by con­duct­ing dam­age con­trol when some­thing goes wrong. For exam­ple, a cus­tomer may leave a bad review about their expe­ri­ence with a prod­uct or ser­vice. Dig­i­tal man­agers can try to improve the sit­u­a­tion by offer­ing a dis­count or free products.

Mar­keters some­times cre­ate fun­ny videos or con­tent designed to enter­tain prospec­tive cus­tomers. Oth­er times, adver­tis­ing and con­tent focus on cus­tomer edu­ca­tion such as how their prod­uct can address pain points and improve the shopper’s life.

Accreditation for Digital Communications 

When con­sid­er­ing dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions pro­grams at online and tra­di­tion­al col­leges and uni­ver­si­ties, stu­dents should ensure that the schools they are look­ing at have the appro­pri­ate accred­i­ta­tion. Although there are nation­al boards, region­al accred­it­ing bod­ies hold sway over col­leges based in geo­graph­i­cal areas.

The US Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion rec­og­nizes agen­cies that eval­u­ate col­leges and uni­ver­si­ties and deter­mine whether they have the aca­d­e­m­ic rig­or demand­ed of top-qual­i­ty schools and uni­ver­si­ties. They also con­sid­er oth­er aspects that cre­ate effec­tive learn­ing environments.

Choos­ing a school with appro­pri­ate accred­i­ta­tion sta­tus enables stu­dents to get finan­cial aid and trans­fer cred­its if they decide to switch schools. With­out nation­al or region­al accred­i­ta­tion, cours­es tak­en at a col­lege or uni­ver­si­ty are not rec­og­nized by accred­it­ed schools or prospec­tive employers.

The region­al com­mis­sions rep­re­sent the old­est accred­it­ing agen­cies and the Unit­ed States. There are six dif­fer­ent geo­graph­i­cal areas: Mid­dle States, New Eng­land, South­ern, North Cen­tral, North­west and West­ern. Addi­tion­al­ly, there are sev­en com­mis­sions that review insti­tu­tions to approve or oppose their appli­ca­tion for accreditation.

There are near­ly 120 schools that have received ACEJMC accred­i­ta­tion. The Accred­it­ing Coun­cil on Edu­ca­tion in Jour­nal­ism and Mass Com­mu­ni­ca­tions eval­u­ates schools that offer pro­grams in dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions and relat­ed fields. When the ACEJMC accred­its a school, it denotes that the school has meant the rig­or­ous stan­dards of oth­er aca­d­e­m­ic insti­tu­tions assessed by the organization.

Both online and tra­di­tion­al schools and uni­ver­si­ties pub­lish their accred­i­ta­tion sta­tus on their web­sites. Stu­dents can also vis­it the US Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion web­site, which has a data­base where stu­dents can check whether a school has been accredited.

ACEJMC does not pro­vide rat­ings or rank col­leges and uni­ver­si­ties. It also does not pro­vide accred­i­ta­tion sta­tus for doc­tor­al pro­grams. The orga­ni­za­tion re-eval­u­ates schools and uni­ver­si­ties every six years. This pro­vides a con­tin­u­al feed­back process that ensures accred­it­ed schools meet updat­ed stan­dards set by ACEJMC.

After con­sid­er­ing the accred­i­ta­tion sta­tus of online or tra­di­tion­al col­leges and uni­ver­si­ties, stu­dents should next eval­u­ate whether each school has cours­es that align with the student’s career goals. There are numer­ous spe­cial­iza­tions avail­able in dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions, so it’s impor­tant to choose whether to pur­sue a cer­ti­fi­ca­tion or a four-year degree.

Types of Digital Communications Degrees

These days, more and more stu­dents are choos­ing online dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions degree pro­grams. Get­ting a bach­e­lor’s degree opens doors for stu­dents who want to pur­sue post­grad­u­ate edu­ca­tion or obtain a job in their field. Many grad­u­ates go on to find ful­fill­ing jobs as jour­nal­ists, social media experts and pro­fes­sion­al writ­ers. There’s also room for adver­tis­ers and pub­lic rela­tions spe­cial­ist in this diverse field.

Earn­ing an online com­mu­ni­ca­tion degree has a num­ber of strate­gic ben­e­fits for stu­dents who do not desire or are not able to attend class­es in per­son. For exam­ple, stu­dents who already have jobs but want to switch careers can take advan­tage of online class­es and com­plete their stud­ies at nights and on week­ends. Addi­tion­al­ly, some stu­dents live in remote areas where it’s not easy to attend class­es in per­son. Oth­er stu­dents may have fam­i­ly oblig­a­tions as care­givers or par­ents and pre­fer to fit their stud­ies around their oth­er responsibilities.

Whether stu­dents want to work in jour­nal­ism social media or tra­di­tion­al print for­mats, there are tons of oppor­tu­ni­ties open­ing up all the time in this field. There are also many trans­fer­able skills for stu­dents who go on to study law, edu­ca­tion and relat­ed fields. Tak­ing a degree online can save stu­dents time and mon­ey and give them more time to strate­gize their future career goals.

As they com­plete their dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions degree, stu­dents gain con­fi­dence and the knowl­edge nec­es­sary to become suc­cess­ful pro­fes­sion­als in dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion roles. Many cours­es include hands-on prac­tice with tech­nol­o­gy. Addi­tion­al­ly, many fac­ul­ty mem­bers are work­ing pro­fes­sion­als who can give stu­dents rel­e­vant input into work­ing in dig­i­tal communications.

With an online dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions degree, stu­dents mas­ter the fol­low­ing skills:

  • Oral, visu­al and writ­ten com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills
  • Analy­sis and trou­bleshoot­ing skills
  • Lead­er­ship and man­age­r­i­al skills
  • Cre­ative thinking

Most online dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion pro­grams also offer con­cen­tra­tions that allow stu­dents to care­ful­ly tai­lor their edu­ca­tion. This pro­vides it incred­i­ble oppor­tu­ni­ty to gain a broad skill set while focus­ing on spe­cif­ic career goals. While many stu­dents begin work­ing after fin­ish­ing their bach­e­lor’s degree, oth­ers imme­di­ate­ly begin apply­ing for mas­ters-lev­el programs.

A dig­i­tal media and com­mu­ni­ca­tions degree helps stu­dents pol­ished their pro­fes­sion­al writ­ing, adver­tis­ing and broad­cast­ing skills. Many pro­grams also fea­ture pub­lic rela­tions as a core part of their cours­es. Oth­er core cours­es for a dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions major may include dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing, web devel­op­ment, and con­tent cre­ation. Your course­work may also include elec­tives and a cap­stone project.

So, what do career oppor­tu­ni­ties at this field look like? Many grad­u­ates go on to hold the fol­low­ing roles:

  • Account exec­u­tive. This role com­bines busi­ness exper­tise with knowl­edge of dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions. Account exec­u­tives act as go-betweens for clients and agency team mem­bers. They pro­vide feed­back and make deci­sions on how best to accom­plish the clien­t’s objectives.
  • Copy­writer. Copy­writer’s right com­pelling copy that edu­cates read­ers about ser­vices and prod­ucts and how they can ben­e­fit poten­tial cus­tomers. As part of a dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions degree, stu­dents learn how to write high­ly effec­tive copy in a num­ber of styles and formats.
  • Jour­nal­ist. Many tele­vi­sion shows and movies glam­or­ize the role of jour­nal­ists. In real­i­ty, although cov­er­ing the news has its share of excite­ment, it also involves a lot of hard work and research. With so many con­flict­ing sources of infor­ma­tion, read­ers often appre­ci­ate online news and infor­ma­tion sources that care­ful­ly curate pre­cise, accu­rate, and inter­est­ing con­tent. Stu­dents who want to mon­e­tize a pod­cast or become a reporter for a news out­let can ben­e­fit from an online dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions degree.
  • Social media spe­cial­ist. A degree in dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions can also lead to a career as a social media spe­cial­ist. These dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion experts draft mes­sages for social media plat­forms vis­it­ed by their tar­get audi­ences. A degree in dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions includes brand aware­ness and teach­es stu­dents how to build rela­tion­ships with cus­tomers online.
  • Oth­er career options include becom­ing mul­ti­me­dia devel­op­ers and managers.

Dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion relies heav­i­ly on tech­nol­o­gy and those hop­ing to suc­ceed in this field should become famil­iar with a num­ber of online tools. from artis­tic pro­duc­tions to graph­ic design to enter­tain­ment, the sky is the lim­it for capa­ble, hard­work­ing dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions professionals.

The foun­da­tion of dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion starts with the basic build­ing blocks of the online world, com­put­er pro­gram­ming. Not all dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tors have high­ly tech­ni­cal rules. How­ev­er, it’s impor­tant to under­stand the tech­nol­o­gy behind telepro­cess­ing, dig­i­tal pho­tog­ra­phy, graph­ic design and video production.

Addi­tion­al­ly, stu­dents will learn about the laws and reg­u­la­tions that gov­ern dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion. With cyber­se­cu­ri­ty and ethics con­stant­ly head­lin­ing news reports, there’s a lot of ground to cov­er for those who want to get a com­pre­hen­sive back­ground in online communications.

The good news is that mul­ti­me­dia is rapid­ly expand­ing. from inter­ac­tive muse­um exhibits to video instal­la­tions at the mall, dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion can be found almost every­where. There are even mul­ti­me­dia events on social media that Face­book friends can attend “togeth­er.” For stu­dents who like con­stant change, dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions may prove to be the ide­al career choice. There’s always some­thing new and excit­ing evolv­ing and tech­nol­o­gy con­stant­ly push­es the bounds of pos­si­bil­i­ties and changes the stan­dards of service.

With a dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions degree, stu­dents gain access to the most recent tech­nol­o­gy and get hands-on expe­ri­ence with help­ful analy­sis and research tools. A bach­e­lor of dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions chal­lenges stu­dents to keep up with the lat­est tech­nolo­gies and debates. Dig­i­tal media careers also put grad­u­ates at the fore­front of new trends and influences.

A degree in dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions can also focus on media stud­ies. Media stud­ies offer a more prac­ti­cal approach that focus­es on the moral, his­tor­i­cal and polit­i­cal effects of dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion. For exam­ple, media stud­ies include prac­ti­cal skills such as copy­writ­ing and video pro­duc­tion. How­ev­er, stu­dents with this spe­cial­iza­tion may also explore the influ­ence of gen­der or race on polit­i­cal and cul­tur­al environments.

Com­mu­ni­ca­tion stud­ies is anoth­er spe­cial­iza­tion where stu­dents look beyond the media domain. This focus allows stu­dents to explore the world of human com­mu­ni­ca­tion and how it influ­ences mar­ket­ing, jour­nal­ism and entertainment.

What Are the Requirements of Digital Communications Degrees?

Stu­dents who study dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion come from numer­ous aca­d­e­m­ic back­grounds. How­ev­er, you may be required to do a video inter­view and sub­mit an essay to show your moti­va­tion and relat­ed writ­ing and pre­sen­ta­tion skills. Work­ing on these skills can help stu­dents pre­pare for online and tra­di­tion­al media and com­mu­ni­ca­tions programs.

For pro­grams that empha­size jour­nal­is­tic writ­ing or copy­writ­ing, stu­dents may also have to sub­mit a lan­guage test and writ­ing samples.

Assessment Methods

Cours­es in dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion often use sem­i­nars, lec­tures and oth­er for­mats. Some pro­grams can be tak­en com­plete­ly online while oth­ers require class atten­dance. Stu­dents should care­ful­ly assess the learn­ing for­mat that works best for their lifestyle pri­or to enrolling in a dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions degree.

Assess­ments occur in the form of writ­ten assign­ments and online or in-per­son exams, depend­ing on the dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions degree cho­sen by each stu­dent. With a bach­e­lor of dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions, stu­dents learn skills that can trans­fer into many oth­er fields. A dig­i­tal media and com­mu­ni­ca­tions degree helps suc­cess­ful stu­dents attain entry or mid-lev­el posi­tions in dig­i­tal media agen­cies, gov­ern­ment depart­ments and corporations.

Certifications/Licenses in Digital Communications 

Stu­dents who already have a bach­e­lor’s degree may decide to get a cer­tifi­cate in dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions. This pro­vides con­tin­u­ing edu­ca­tion oppor­tu­ni­ties for pro­fes­sion­als already work­ing as jour­nal­ists, adver­tis­ers, pub­lic rela­tions experts or dig­i­tal tech­nol­o­gy pro­fes­sion­als. Cer­tifi­cate pro­grams vary great­ly but typ­i­cal­ly require at least six courses.

Stu­dents study how dig­i­tal tech­nol­o­gy affects com­mu­ni­ca­tion with tar­get audi­ences. Legal and eth­i­cal con­sid­er­a­tions often play a role in cer­ti­fi­ca­tion cours­es. Stu­dents with artis­tic or writ­ing skills may focus on copy­writ­ing or con­tent strat­e­gy in their search for an appro­pri­ate dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions cer­tifi­cate program.

Some dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions cer­tifi­cate online pro­grams focus on senior-lev­el com­mu­ni­ca­tions pro­fes­sion­als or open the doors to any­one seek­ing the skills need­ed for cor­po­rate dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions jobs.

Stu­dents who already have jobs as mar­ket­ing pro­fes­sion­als or who have worked in com­mu­ni­ca­tion for more than five years might want to focus on man­age­r­i­al dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion certificates.

With a dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions cer­tifi­cate, par­tic­i­pants will know how to apply dig­i­tal strate­gies across dif­fer­ent chan­nels in order to pro­duce strong brand man­age­ment results. They learn how to ana­lyze per­sonas and fig­ure out how to mar­ket prod­ucts and ser­vices that appeal to their tar­get audi­ences. Stu­dents who suc­cess­ful­ly fin­ished dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions cer­tifi­cates can suc­cess­ful­ly take on roles man­ag­ing social media and online con­tent that builds syn­er­gy with there are var­i­ous products.

A dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions cer­tifi­cate online allows work­ing stu­dents to jug­gle their edu­ca­tion with­out giv­ing up their income or careers. Mid-career pro­fes­sion­als often seek out dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions cer­tifi­cates to update their skills and remain rel­e­vant in the mar­ket. Oth­ers decide to pur­sue a bach­e­lor’s or mas­ter’s degree that can help them achieve their career goals.

Careers in Digital Communications

A dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions man­ag­er job descrip­tion looks a lot dif­fer­ent from entry-lev­el dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions jobs. In fact, careers in dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions include a vast array of indus­tries and oppor­tu­ni­ties, includ­ing wire­less com­mu­ni­ca­tions, media arts, online mar­ket­ing, video edit­ing, web design, prod­uct design, and art direc­tion, among many, many oth­er oppor­tu­ni­ties in the dig­i­tal arena.

Surf­ing through the Bureau of Labor Sta­tis­tics and oth­er resources reveals hun­dreds of job titles in this area of exper­tise. So, how can stu­dents choose the role that’s right for them? Many stu­dents choose pro­grams that offer intern­ships that can give them hands-on expe­ri­ence with experts in their field. Intern­ships offer an excel­lent oppor­tu­ni­ty to try on a role before com­mit­ting to a career path.

Some job titles include:

  • Trans­me­dia Specialist
  • Social Media Coordinator
  • Mobile Jour­nal­ists
  • Social Media Manager
  • Dig­i­tal Specialist
  • Media Con­tent Creator
  • Adver­tis­ing Specialist
  • New Media Storyteller

Oth­er in-demand careers in dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion and media arts include the motion pic­ture and video pro­duc­tion indus­try. Adver­tis­ers, pub­lic rela­tions firms and web­site design­ers are always look­ing for new tal­ent to cre­ate con­tent and deliv­er an amaz­ing cus­tomer experience.

A dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions job descrip­tion for local gov­ern­ments might seem like an unusu­al twist. How­ev­er, local gov­ern­ment offi­cials often part­ner with media out­lets to put out infor­ma­tion about gov­ern­ment pro­grams and pub­lic ser­vice announce­ments. Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tion com­pa­nies often employ copy­writ­ers and mar­keters to attract cus­tomers and write com­pelling copy for blogs and websites.

Stu­dents who have an artis­tic bent can use their skills to become ani­ma­tors and mul­ti­me­dia artists. Oth­er jobs in dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions require a mas­ter’s or doc­tor­al degree. These grad­u­ates may go on to teach at pro­fes­sion­al schools, col­leges and uni­ver­si­ties. There are many radio and tele­vi­sion per­son­al­i­ties who start­ed out their careers as dig­i­tal media students.

Dig­i­tal media com­mu­ni­ca­tions jobs are diverse and excit­ing and grad­u­ates may find them­selves drift­ing into spe­cif­ic areas that appeal to their nat­ur­al tal­ents. For exam­ple, stu­dents who write well might start off as copy­writ­ers and lat­er devel­op lucra­tive dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions careers as media strategists.

Careers in dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions often focus on social media. Cre­at­ing social media con­tent is impor­tant for brand build­ing and com­mu­ni­cat­ing with poten­tial cus­tomers and clients. This role includes cre­at­ing video clips and ensur­ing that a com­pa­ny’s media plat­forms remain up to date with time­ly information.

A dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions pro­fes­sion­al may focus on web­site design and main­te­nance. Keep­ing web­sites accu­rate and rel­e­vant is a full-time job. A dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions spe­cial­ist job descrip­tion some­times focus­es on sourc­ing orig­i­nal con­tent for websites.

Some dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion jobs involve man­ag­ing email mar­ket­ing cam­paigns. These pro­fes­sion­als cre­ate email cam­paigns that may include event invi­ta­tions, newslet­ters and cus­tomer reten­tion efforts.

Oth­er jobs in dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions involve ana­lyz­ing mar­ket­ing cam­paigns and prepar­ing reports and pub­li­ca­tions indi­cat­ing the return on invest­ment of var­i­ous approach­es. Dig­i­tal media com­mu­ni­ca­tions jobs can also pro­vide pro­duc­tion sup­port or event plan­ning for phys­i­cal or vir­tu­al events.

A dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions man­ag­er job descrip­tion may vary depend­ing on the indus­try and com­pa­ny post­ing the posi­tion. How­ev­er, those wish­ing to attain a lead­er­ship role in their dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion careers may want to take busi­ness and man­age­ment cours­es as well as dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions courses.

Dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions careers are fun, dynam­ic and can lead to sat­is­fy­ing careers in dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions. As a dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions pro­fes­sion­al, grad­u­ates can choose hey career path and align with employ­ers they can help them con­tin­ue their pro­fes­sion­al jour­ney. Whether apply­ing for a dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions spe­cial­ist job descrip­tion or a dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions job descrip­tion, hav­ing a degree from a rep­utable accred­it­ed col­lege or uni­ver­si­ty can give stu­dents the right start to their career.

Digital Communications Salary

Of course, an entry-lev­el dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions spe­cial­ist salary varies great­ly from an expe­ri­enced dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions man­ag­er salary. How­ev­er, there are many lucra­tive posi­tions avail­able in this industry.

Accord­ing to Ziprecruiter, the aver­age salary for a dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion man­ag­er is about $61,000 per annum. That equates to $29 per hour or just over $5,000 per month. The full range for this posi­tion goes from $39,000 for small­er mar­kets to over $127,000 for expe­ri­enced managers.

The dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions’ salary for dif­fer­ent posi­tions varies depend­ing on the employ­er, loca­tion, expe­ri­ence and edu­ca­tion of the job applicant.

A dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions coor­di­na­tor salary ranges from as low as $22,000 to as high as $88,000. The major­i­ty of dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions coor­di­na­tors make between $40,000 and $67,000. Top earn­ers make over $73,000 in the US.

A dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions strate­gist salary aver­age is $75,000 but typ­i­cal­ly falls between $67,000 to $82,000. Edu­ca­tion, skills, cer­ti­fi­ca­tions and years of expe­ri­ence usu­al­ly dri­ve dig­i­tal media com­mu­ni­ca­tions salary ranges. As you can see, dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions jobs salary ranges vary great. How­ev­er, with expe­ri­ence, salary typ­i­cal­ly increas­es dramatically.

Professional Organizations in Digital Communications

Pro­fes­sion­al orga­ni­za­tions offer net­work­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties for new grad­u­ates and often have con­tin­u­ing edu­ca­tion cred­its that enhance the resumes of grad­u­ates and pro­fes­sion­als alike. Pro­fes­sion­al orga­ni­za­tions for dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions grad­u­ates include the following:

  • Amer­i­can Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Association
  • Asso­ci­a­tion for Women in Communications
  • Inter­na­tion­al Asso­ci­a­tion of Busi­ness Communicators

Stu­dents should explore pro­fes­sion­al orga­ni­za­tions that can enhance their career paths.

Relat­ed Rankings: 

25 Best Bach­e­lor’s in Dig­i­tal Communications

15 Best Online Bach­e­lor’s in Dig­i­tal Communications

25 Best Dig­i­tal Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Certificates