How Many College Degree Levels Are Beyond A Bachelor’s Degree?

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Key Infor­ma­tion:

  • A mas­ter’s typ­i­cal­ly requires one to two years of study after a bach­e­lor’s degree, focus­ing on advanced knowl­edge in a spe­cif­ic field.
  • After a mas­ter’s pro­gram often requires sev­er­al years of research and a dis­ser­ta­tion, lead­ing to the high­est aca­d­e­m­ic cre­den­tial in most fields.
  • Beyond a bach­e­lor’s includes degrees like MD (Doc­tor of Med­i­cine) and JD (Juris Doc­tor), which are nec­es­sary for cer­tain pro­fes­sion­al practices.

Col­lege lev­els are bro­ken down into two main groups, which are under­grad­u­ate and grad­u­ate. The under­grad­u­ate lev­el is com­prised of the asso­ciate and bach­e­lor’s lev­el degrees. Beyond the bach­e­lor’s lev­el, there are grad­u­ate-lev­el degrees which include mas­ter’s degrees and doc­tor­al degrees. So, in the sim­plest form, there are just two lev­els beyond a bach­e­lor’s degree, but with the dif­fer­ent cer­ti­fi­ca­tion lev­els avail­able post-bach­e­lors and post-mas­ters, there are a few more lev­els that are avail­able based on the require­ments of your career or your aca­d­e­m­ic goals.

The col­lege degree lev­els beyond the bach­e­lor’s lev­el are mas­ter’s and doc­tor­al lev­el degrees. A mas­ter’s degree is the first lev­el of grad­u­ate study that stu­dents can take, and this can be used to enter a pro­fes­sion or to go on to the next lev­el, doc­tor­ates. Mas­ters degree pro­grams typ­i­cal­ly take an addi­tion­al 18 to 24 months to com­plete beyond a bach­e­lor’s pro­gram. You may need to com­plete any­where from 36 to 54-semes­ter cred­its of study which is about 12 to 18 col­lege cours­es. Mas­ter’s lev­el degrees are usu­al­ly award­ed by larg­er schools and are almost nev­er found at the com­mu­ni­ty col­lege lev­el. Mas­ters degrees like an MBA, a Mas­ter of Busi­ness Admin­is­tra­tion, is very wide­ly applic­a­ble and can be com­plet­ed in a short­er time span than the assumed two years. Oth­er options, like a Mas­ter in Pub­lic Health, still have a broad scope but it is more tai­lored to a cer­tain career. Mas­ters degrees build on what you’ve learned in your bach­e­lor’s pro­gram and add depth to your skills so that you will be able to take on big­ger roles with­in your field. Many dif­fer­ent types of mas­ter’s degrees offer more spe­cial­ized con­cen­tra­tions that fea­ture more tai­lored cours­es to exact­ly what you’d like to do. The high­er up you con­tin­ue your edu­ca­tion, the more spe­cial­ized it is going to become.

A Doc­tor of Phi­los­o­phy, or PhD, is cur­rent­ly the high­est degree that you can hold in Amer­i­ca. There are a vari­ety of dif­fer­ent types of doc­tor­al degree but none are held in quite the same esteem as a PhD. This is the sec­ond lev­el beyond bach­e­lors, tech­ni­cal­ly. There are post-mas­ters cer­tifi­cates and pro­fes­sion­al cer­tifi­cates that fit in between mas­ters and doc­tor­al degrees but they don’t hold the same weight as a full degree would. A doc­tor­al degree typ­i­cal­ly takes an addi­tion­al four years to com­plete if a tra­di­tion­al stu­dent is study­ing at a full-time pace. They require 90 to 120 semes­ter cred­its, which equates to about 30 to 40 col­lege class­es. Very few career areas require you to earn a doc­tor­ate degree, but it is some­thing that you can pur­sue regard­less of your field! There are also sev­er­al fields that require you to hold a doc­tor­ate, par­tic­u­lar­ly in the med­ical field. You can also use a doc­tor­al degree to teach at the col­lege lev­el. There are two types of doc­tor­al degree you can earn in most fields. In edu­ca­tion, for instance, you have the choice of earn­ing a PhD or an EdD, which means Doc­tor of Edu­ca­tion. The EdD is going to be for some­one that wants to work as a teacher, per­haps. PhDs are typ­i­cal more research focused and allow grad­u­ates to pur­sue research and teach­ing careers in the cho­sen field.


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