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The video game indus­try isn’t just boom­ing; it’s expand­ing in all direc­tions, beyond enter­tain­ment to edu­ca­tion, ther­a­py, med­i­cine, employ­ment train­ing, and even war­fare. With game design and devel­op­ment touch­ing so many indus­tries, pro­fes­sion­als and aspir­ing pro­fes­sion­als alike are forced to up their game on the job mar­ket. Because many peo­ple begin their game devel­op­ment careers with­out a lot of for­mal schools — with associate’s degrees and cer­ti­fi­ca­tions, for instance — for many look­ing to take their career to the next lev­el, the first step is a bachelor’s degree.

An online game devel­op­ment degree could be the best choice for peo­ple already work­ing in some area of the video game indus­try — low-lev­el pro­gram­mers or design­ers who want a bachelor’s degree to increase their skills or advance in their career, for instance. That’s what makes a bachelor’s com­ple­tion pro­gram attrac­tive for some­one with just an associate’s in com­put­er sci­ence, or cer­ti­fi­ca­tions in some game design skill. To find the best online degree in game design and devel­op­ment is often a career invest­ment, look no fur­ther than Bachelor’s Degree Center.

Methodology: Ranking the Best Game Design Degree Online

To rank the Bachelor’s Degree Cen­ter 15 Best Online Game Design Degree Bachelor’s Pro­grams, BDC edi­tors made a thor­ough sweep of all accred­it­ed ful­ly online and hybrid game design pro­grams out there. From there, we sub­ject­ed all of the avail­able pro­grams to our five cri­te­ria points: Cost, Grad­u­a­tion Rate, Job Place­ment, Rep­u­ta­tion, and Return on Invest­ment (using aver­age alum­ni salary). Data was drawn from Col­lege Score­card, IPEDS, and Niche.

1. George Mason University

George Mason University’s online BFA in Com­put­er Game Design is an offer­ing from the Col­lege of Visu­al and Per­form­ing Arts. George Mason’s game devel­op­ment degree requires the com­ple­tion of 120 cred­it units that cov­er the school’s core cur­ricu­lum plus relat­ed fields of art, com­put­er sci­ence, imag­ing, game design, human­i­ties, and music. The school hosts a Seri­ous Game Insti­tute (the only in the US) that encour­ages new game inno­va­tion and game the­o­ry applied research. George Mason requires

George Mason Uni­ver­si­ty was estab­lished in 1949 as a branch of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Vir­ginia. The founder, George Mason, authored the Vir­ginia Dec­la­ra­tion of Rights – a pre­lude to the Unit­ed States’ Constitution’s Bill of Rights. The school oper­ates with four cam­pus­es in Arling­ton, Prince William and Front Roy­al VA, and South Korea. George Mason’s stu­dent enroll­ment exceeds 24,000.

Degree: BFA in Com­put­er Game Design

George Mason University

2. University of Cincinnati

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Cincinnati’s BS in Infor­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy-Game Devel­op­ment & Sim­u­la­tion degree pro­gram pro­vides stu­dents a broad foun­da­tion of knowl­edge in net­works, soft­ware devel­op­ment, data­base man­age­ment, audio/video sup­port, and cyber­se­cu­ri­ty, among oth­ers. The Game Development/Simulation design degree online pre­pares stu­dents for the many facets of game design — visu­al­iza­tion, sto­ry­telling, test­ing, debug­ging and dis­tri­b­u­tion. The Uni­ver­si­ty of Cincin­nati requires each degree can­di­date to com­plete a Senior Project for the game devel­op­ment degree in the form of a com­plete­ly new game ready for publishing.

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Cincin­nati was estab­lished in 1819 and is the old­est school in the city of Cincin­nati. UC is a mem­ber school of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ohio sys­tem. Its main cam­pus cov­ers more than 200 acres. With more than 44,000 stu­dents, the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cincin­nati is the next to the largest insti­tu­tion of high­er learn­ing in the state.

Degree: BS in Infor­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy — Game Devel­op­ment and Simulation

Uni­ver­si­ty of Cincinnati

3. University of Baltimore

The Yale Gor­don Col­lege of Arts & Sci­ences offers the Uni­ver­si­ty of Baltimore’s BS in Sim­u­la­tion & Game Design. Course­work includes com­put­er pro­gram­ming, usabil­i­ty design, and test­ing, mul­ti­play­er game options, 3D ani­ma­tion game the­o­ry, and strat­e­gy. Each stu­dent explores the Uni­ver­si­ty of Baltimore’s Game-Lab and ulti­mate­ly cre­ates is a cap­stone project to grad­u­ate. UB awards numer­ous schol­ar­ships each year; stu­dents are encour­aged to apply for eligibility.

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Bal­ti­more was estab­lished in 1925. UB is a mem­ber school of the Uni­ver­si­ty Sys­tem of Mary­land. This insti­tu­tion of high­er learn­ing oper­ates with sev­er­al col­leges and schools – the Col­lege of Pub­lic Affairs, the School of Law, the Mer­rick School of Busi­ness, and the Yale Gor­don Col­lege of Arts and Sci­ences. The Uni­ver­si­ty of Baltimore’s mid­town Bal­ti­more cam­pus is home to near­ly 4,900 grad­u­ate and under­grad­u­ate students.

Degree: BS in Sim­u­la­tion & Game Design

Uni­ver­si­ty of Baltimore

4. Lewis University

Lewis University’s online Bach­e­lor of Com­put­er Sci­ence degree pro­gram in Game and Sim­u­la­tion Pro­gram­ming is one of the top pro­grams avail­able online. Stu­dents grad­u­at­ing from Lewis’ game devel­op­ment degree pro­gram are pre­pared for reward­ing careers design­ing and devel­op­ing excep­tion­al sim­u­la­tions and games for enter­tain­ment and edu­ca­tion pur­pos­es. Course­work includes Oper­at­ing Sys­tems, Dig­i­tal Foren­sics, Cloud Com­put­ing, Encryp­tion, and Machine Learn­ing, among many more.

The Arch­dio­cese of Chica­go estab­lished Lewis Uni­ver­si­ty in 1932. Lew Uni­ver­si­ty is affil­i­at­ed with the Roman Catholic Church and offers more than 100 pro­grams at the under­grad­u­ate, grad­u­ate and work adult lev­els. Reg­u­lar­ly ranked one of the top region­al col­leges in the Mid­west, Lewis is mak­ing its name with top-ranked online pro­grams as well. The school is orga­nized into five schools/colleges — the School of Professional/Continuing Edu­ca­tion, Arts & Sci­ences, Busi­ness, Edu­ca­tion, and Health Pro­fes­sion­als & Nursing.

Degree: BS in Com­put­er Sci­ence — Game and Sim­u­la­tion Programming

Lewis Uni­ver­si­ty

5. Lindenwood University

The BA in Game Design pro­gram at Lin­den­wood University’s School of Arts, Media & Com­mu­ni­ca­tion has been rec­og­nized among the best online bac­calau­re­ate pro­grams in video game design. Stu­dents at Lin­den­wood Uni­ver­si­ty can opt to com­plete the game devel­op­ment degree using a hybrid for­mat. Stu­dents grad­u­ate pre­pared for reward­ing careers in the game stu­dio envi­ron­ment. Course­work includes aes­thet­ics, usabil­i­ty, sto­ry­telling, and char­ac­ter growth. The degree pro­gram is a great step towards a career as an art direc­tor, writer, pro­gram­mer, or an audio engineer/programmer.

Lin­den­wood Uni­ver­si­ty was estab­lished in 1827 and holds the dis­tinc­tion of being the 2nd old­est school built west of the Mis­sis­sip­pi Riv­er. Lin­den­wood Uni­ver­si­ty is affil­i­at­ed with the Pres­by­ter­ian Church. The school’s 500+-acre main urban cam­pus is home to more than 8,500 stu­dents and about 25 miles from down­town St. Louis.

Degree: BA in Game Design

Lin­den­wood University

6. University of Advancing Technology

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Advanc­ing Technology’s online Bach­e­lor of Arts in Game Design pro­gram is reg­u­lar­ly rec­og­nized as among the top game design schools, offer­ing High­er Learn­ing Com­mis­sion accred­it­ed online game design degree pro­grams. UAT’s game design degree online offers three spe­cial­ties in Online Game Pro­gram­ming, Online Game Design, and Online Game Art & Ani­ma­tion. UAT’s game devel­op­ment degree requires the com­ple­tion of 120 cred­it hours and cours­es are offered on an ongo­ing basis online.

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Advanc­ing Tech­nol­o­gy was estab­lished in 1983 and was ini­tial­ly known as CAD Insti­tute. The school was cre­at­ed to edu­cate engi­neers and archi­tects in what was then an emerg­ing field of com­put­er-aid­ed design. UAT and DeMont­fort Uni­ver­si­ty in the Unit­ed King­dom part­ner in a stu­dent exchange pro­gram. The schools’ Net­work Secu­ri­ty course­work has been cer­ti­fied by the US Secu­ri­ty Agency’s IACE program.

Degree: BA in Game Design

Uni­ver­si­ty of Advanc­ing Technology

7. Southern New Hampshire University

South­ern New Hamp­shire University’s game devel­op­ment degree pro­grams include a BA in Game Art & Devel­op­ment and a BS in Game Pro­gram­ming & Devel­op­ment degree pro­gram avail­able entire­ly online. Each game devel­op­ment degree pre­pares stu­dents for careers in game devel­op­ment, soft­ware design, sim­u­la­tion and ani­ma­tion, and video game devel­op­ment. South­ern New Hamp­shire Uni­ver­si­ty offers income stu­dents a gen­er­ous trans­fer pol­i­cy – up to 90 cred­its. SNHU’s game design pro­gram pre­pares grad­u­ates to iden­ti­fy, cre­ate and imple­ment com­plete a vari­ety of game projects. Each program’s course­work, accred­it­ed by the Accred­i­ta­tion Board for Engi­neer­ing & Tech­nol­o­gy) requires the com­ple­tion of 120 cred­it units.

South­ern New Hamp­shire Uni­ver­si­ty was estab­lished in 1932 as a busi­ness school. The school’s cur­rent 300-acre sub­ur­ban cam­pus runs along­side the Mer­ri­mack Riv­er in north­ern Man­ches­ter, NH. SNHU acquired the human ser­vices pro­gram in 1978 when Fra­co­nia Col­lege closed. While SNHU has a huge online pres­ence, they also have sev­er­al cam­pus­es in New Hamp­shire, Ver­mont, and Maine.

Degree: BS in Game Pro­gram­ming & Devel­op­ment or BA in Game Art & Development

South­ern New Hamp­shire University

8. Davenport University

The Maine Col­lege of Business/College of Tech­nol­o­gy offers Dav­en­port University’s BS in Com­put­er Sci­ence degree pro­gram in Gam­ing and Sim­u­la­tion. Dav­en­port University’s game devel­op­ment degree requires degree can­di­dates to select from among three spe­cial­ty tracks – Com­put­er Archi­tec­ture & Algo­rithms, Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence (AI), and Gam­ing & Sim­u­la­tion. Each spe­cial­ty path requires the com­ple­tion of 120 cred­it hours. Course­work includes Pro­gram­ming, C#, Com­put­er Devel­op­ment, Dis­crete Math/Structures, and Project Man­age­ment, among oth­ers. Dav­en­port University’s game design degree pro­gram is avail­able online and on-campus.

Dav­en­port Uni­ver­si­ty was estab­lished in 1866. The school oper­ates through­out the state of Michi­gan as with sev­er­al cam­pus­es and an online pres­ence. The main cam­pus in Grand Rapids cov­ers near­ly 70 acres and is home to near­ly 7,300 stu­dents. Dav­en­port Uni­ver­si­ty is orga­nized with the fol­low­ing col­leges — Busi­ness, Urban Edu­ca­tion, Arts & Sci­ences, Tech­nol­o­gy, and Health Professions.

Degree: BS in Com­put­er Sci­ence — Gam­ing and Simulation

Dav­en­port University

9. Franklin University

Franklin Uni­ver­si­ty offers a BS in Inter­ac­tive Media Design (IMC) with a project-based cur­ricu­lum. Franklin University’s game devel­op­ment degree requires the com­ple­tion of a cap­stone project and 120 cred­it hours. Franklin Uni­ver­si­ty offers incom­ing stu­dents a gen­er­ous trans­fer cred­it pol­i­cy. Franklin’s game design degree online explores both the tech­ni­cal and non-tech­ni­cal facets of game design and devel­op­ment. Degree grad­u­ates explore the world of inter­ac­tive game design — using new & exist­ing soft­ware, and pro­gram­ming lan­guages. Stu­dents grad­u­ate ready for a reward­ing career in the game design indus­try — deliv­er­ing inter­ac­tive, mobile game solutions.

Franklin Uni­ver­si­ty was estab­lished in 1902 as an edu­ca­tion­al facil­i­ty with a pri­ma­ry focus on the adult stu­dent. The first class­es at Franklin Uni­ver­si­ty were held at a YMCA in Colum­bus, OH. In addi­tion to its online pres­ence, Franklin University’s 25 cam­pus­es are locat­ed through­out the country’s mid-west­ern sec­tion in the states of Penn­syl­va­nia, Indi­ana, Illi­nois, and Wisconsin.

Degree: BS in Inter­ac­tive Media Design

Franklin Uni­ver­si­ty

10. Liberty University

Lib­er­ty University’s BS in Infor­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy-Gam­ing Design can be com­plet­ed entire­ly online. LU’s game devel­op­ment degree requires the com­ple­tion of 120 cred­it units, which on aver­age, is com­plet­ed in 30 months. Lib­er­ty Uni­ver­si­ty offers income stu­dents a gen­er­ous trans­fer pol­i­cy, which allows for up to 75 cred­its to be trans­ferred. Lib­er­ty University’s game design degree online has been rec­og­nized as one of the top pro­grams of its kind.

Lib­er­ty Uni­ver­si­ty is a non­prof­it insti­tu­tion of high­er learn­ing affil­i­at­ed with the Evan­gel­i­cal Chris­t­ian Faith. By enroll­ment size, Lib­er­ty Uni­ver­si­ty is rec­og­nized as one of the country’s largest, non­prof­it schools. LU’s 7,000-acre sub­ur­ban cam­pus is home to about 15,000 study­ing at the Lynch­burg cam­pus and anoth­er 90,000+ stu­dents enrolled in dis­tance learn­ing, mak­ing Lib­er­ty one of the most pro­lif­ic online edu­ca­tors in the world.

Degree: BS in Infor­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy — Gam­ing Design

Lib­er­ty University

11. Savannah College of Art and Design

The Savan­nah Col­lege of Art and Design (SCAD) BS in Dig­i­tal Media or BFA in Inter­ac­tive Design & Game Devel­op­ment can be com­plet­ed entire­ly online. Each game devel­op­ment degree requires the com­ple­tion of 180 cred­it units. Course­work pre­pares grad­u­ates for reward­ing careers as an inter­ac­tive design­er, a tex­tur­al artist, Mobile game design­er, and an Envi­ron­ment artist, among oth­ers. The Savan­nah Col­lege of Art and Design’s eLearn­ing plat­form is avail­able every day, all day — with tech­ni­cal sup­port always available.

The Savan­nah Col­lege of Art and Design was estab­lished in 1978. SCAD is a pri­vate, accred­it­ed insti­tu­tion of high­er learn­ing with two loca­tions in Geor­gia and two oth­ers in France and Hong Kong. The school’s numer­ous cam­pus­es are home to more than 12,900 stu­dents and near­ly 2,000 staff and fac­ul­ty. SCAD is orga­nized among eight schools, Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Arts, Build­ing Arts, Fash­ion, Design, Fine Arts, Lib­er­al Arts, Foun­da­tion Stud­ies, Dig­i­tal Arts and Enter­tain­ment Arts.

Degree: BA in Dig­i­tal Media or BFA in Inter­ac­tive Design and Game Development

Savan­nah Col­lege of Art and Design (SCAD)

12. Rasmussen College

Ras­mussen College’s BA in Graph­ic Design – Ani­ma­tion & Motion Graph­ics pre­pares stu­dents to inte­grate tech­no­log­i­cal skills with cre­ativ­i­ty in the realm of game design and devel­op­ment. Grad­u­ates enter the gam­ing indus­try with an exist­ing port­fo­lio, ready for the cer­ti­fi­ca­tion pur­suit. Ras­mussen College’s game devel­op­ment degree course­work also read­ies stu­dents to sit for an Adobe Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion exam­i­na­tion. Appli­cants are not required to sub­mit any stan­dard­ized test­ing scores for accep­tance to the program.

Ras­mussen Col­lege was estab­lished in 1900, ini­tial­ly as a school ded­i­cat­ed to busi­ness edu­ca­tion. Ras­mussen Col­lege is an accred­it­ed for-prof­it insti­tu­tion of high­er learn­ing with cam­pus­es in Kansas, Flori­da, Min­neso­ta, Illi­nois, and Wis­con­sin. Rasmussen’s stu­dent enroll­ment exceeds 13,500 stu­dents across the school’s mul­ti-state cam­pus­es. The school’s 7 colleges/schools offer degree pro­grams in more than 70 top­ics and subjects.

Degree: BA in Graph­ic Design — Ani­ma­tion and Motion Graphics

Ras­mussen College

13. Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design

Rocky Moun­tain Col­lege of Art and Design offers a BFA in Game Art degree that is avail­able entire­ly online. RMCAD’s game design degree online pro­gram requires the com­ple­tion of 123 cred­it hours. Rocky Moun­tain Col­lege of Art and Design’s cur­ricu­lum intu­itive­ly inte­grates the dis­ci­plines of tech­nol­o­gy and mechan­ics with artistry and design. RMCAD’s dis­tance learn­ing plat­form offers a flex­i­ble learn­ing expe­ri­ence, includ­ing a seam­less com­mu­ni­ca­tion plat­form between each stu­dent and the school fac­ul­ty. The game design pro­gram pre­pares stu­dents for careers as ani­ma­tors, light­ing spe­cial­ists, Mod­el­ers, and Con­cept Artists.

Rocky Moun­tain Col­lege of Art and Design was estab­lished in 1963 in Lake­wood, Co, a sub­ur­ban loca­tion in the Den­ver met­ro­pol­i­tan area. The school has an estab­lished online pres­ence and a 20+ acre urban cam­pus offer­ing grad­u­ate and under­grad­u­ate degrees in fine arts, game arts, fash­ion design, ani­ma­tion, illus­tra­tion, and pho­tog­ra­phy, among others.

Degree: BFA in Game Art

Rocky Moun­tain Col­lege of Art and Design

14. Middle Georgia State University

Mid­dle Geor­gia State University’s BS in Infor­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy degree pro­gram in Inte­grat­ed Dig­i­tal Media and Gam­ing Design requires the com­ple­tion of 120 cred­it hours from the School of Infor­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy. The Mid­dle Geor­gia State Uni­ver­si­ty game design degree online pro­gram has received accred­i­ta­tion from ABET. This is impor­tant because many grad­u­ate pro­grams will only con­sid­er appli­cants with ABET-approved degree programs.

Mid­dle Geor­gia State Uni­ver­si­ty was estab­lished in 1884 and is a mem­ber school of the Uni­ver­si­ty Sys­tem of Geor­gia. Mid­dle Geor­gia State Uni­ver­si­ty offers under­grad­u­ate, grad­u­ate, doc­tor­ate, and cer­tifi­cate lev­el course­work across its five cam­pus­es (and six schools/colleges) in the mid­dle of the state of Geor­gia. Mid­dle Geor­gia State University’s stu­dent enroll­ment nears 8,000.

Degree: BS in Infor­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy — Inte­grat­ed Dig­i­tal Media and Gam­ing Design

Mid­dle Geor­gia State University

15. Baker College

Bak­er College’s BS in Game Soft­ware Devel­op­ment (GSD), offered by the Col­lege of Engi­neer­ing & Infor­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy, can be com­plet­ed entire­ly online. The game devel­op­ment degree requires the com­ple­tion of 120 cred­it hours, 90 hours fol­low­ing the GSD cur­ricu­lum specif­i­cal­ly. Stu­dents gain com­pre­hen­sive knowl­edge regard­ing both the cre­ative and tech­ni­cal sides of a game­play expe­ri­ence. Course­work includes class­es in C++, Java, Data Struc­tures, Visu­al Basic, Sys­tems Meth­ods, and Data­base Man­age­ment, among many others.

Bak­er Col­lege was estab­lished in Flint Town­ship as a pri­vate, non­prof­it school in 1911 focused on busi­ness edu­ca­tion. The school oper­ates 14 cam­pus loca­tions through­out Michigan’s Low­er Penin­su­la region. Bak­er Col­lege is con­sid­ered a career col­lege offer­ing pro­grams in tech­nol­o­gy, edu­ca­tion, health­care, busi­ness, and human services.

Degree: BS in Game Soft­ware Development

Bak­er College

Will Employers Trust an Online Game Design Degree?

Yes, as long as the degree pro­gram is accred­it­ed. For an online game devel­op­ment degree in the com­put­er sci­ence realm, the top stan­dard is ABET accred­it­ed. Employ­ers want to know that the grad­u­ate’s edu­ca­tion was earned from a reli­able orga­ni­za­tion; that is where ABET comes in. The ABET accred­i­ta­tion process ensures that schools and pro­grams meet a qual­i­ty lev­el of stan­dards. The ABET accred­i­ta­tion process is exten­sive, ensur­ing that com­put­er engi­neer­ing pro­grams are up to date and deliv­er­ing on what they promise.

Game design tends to be a lucra­tive field, espe­cial­ly for those work­ing at the top. Accord­ing to the Bureau of Labor Sta­tis­tics, mul­ti­me­dia artists and ani­ma­tors make an aver­age salary of $98,950 per year. Soft­ware pub­lish­ers make the most at $124,200 per year. Payscale.com esti­mates that the aver­age video game design­er makes $69,076, while ZipRecruiter esti­mates annu­al salary of around $149,118.

The mul­ti­me­dia artist indus­try is a grow­ing one, so its job mar­ket is expect­ed to grow with it. The job mar­ket in this field will increase by 8 per­cent by 2032.

What Can I Do with a Game Design Degree?

Game design­ers typ­i­cal­ly work a part of a team to cre­ate video games. Depend­ing on the design­er’s spe­cial­ty, you could work on game con­cepts, sto­ry, char­ac­ters, set­ting, and game­play. Some­times a design­er works on the artis­tic side, while oth­ers focus on tech­ni­cal aspects like script­ing language.

Game design is unique because of the var­ied ways a design­er can con­tribute. The game design indus­try hires the fol­low­ing jobs: game design­er, game devel­op­er, com­put­er ani­ma­tor, graph­ic design­er, pro­gram­mer, soft­ware engi­neer, con­cept artist, appli­ca­tions devel­op­er, script writer, pro­duc­tion design­er, video­g­ra­ph­er, music com­pos­er, sound design­er, and more.

Video game design has explod­ed in pop­u­lar­i­ty in recent years, and for good rea­son. Video gam­ing con­tin­ues to grow in game­play devel­op­ment, sto­ry­telling, char­ac­ter build­ing, and envi­ron­ment. Since video games need a unique com­bi­na­tion of tech­no­log­i­cal and artis­tic skill, the gam­ing indus­try is hir­ing video game design­ers in order to ful­fill a spe­cif­ic vision.

Do you have a pas­sion for ani­ma­tion or artistry? Do you have decent com­put­er skills? Are you inter­est­ed in learn­ing code pro­gram­ming for games? Are you a gamer? If the answer to any of these ques­tions is yes, then the field of game design would make a great career path for you. Great game design takes an inter­est­ing blend of cre­ativ­i­ty, artis­tic tal­ent, com­put­er com­pe­ten­cy, and tech­ni­cal skill to pull off. If you feel you are up to the task of work­ing in one of these areas, then go for it!

Can I Learn to Be a Video Game Designers Online?

Yes. There are var­i­ous schools and degree pro­grams offered through vir­tu­al plat­forms. For aspir­ing game design­ers seek­ing an online degree, make sure your online degree pro­gram meets ABET accred­i­ta­tion require­ments. The Accred­i­ta­tion Board for Engi­neer­ing and Tech­nol­o­gy offers a list of ABET-accred­it­ed online schools on its web­site. Also, make sure that the school you choose has a rep­utable rep­u­ta­tion with a good track record of grad­u­at­ing students.

To be hon­est, there are not that many ful­ly online degree pro­grams in game devel­op­ment; even though online edu­ca­tion would seem like a per­fect fit for game design, the tech­ni­cal require­ments of mod­ern game devel­op­ment are dif­fi­cult to do with­out access to a cut­ting-edge com­put­er lab. Plus, intern­ships are key to get­ting a job in the game indus­try — com­pa­nies want peo­ple they know can do the job. That’s why ful­ly online pro­grams are a bet­ter choice for work­ing pro­fes­sion­als already in the field, rather than stu­dents just start­ing out from scratch; they have access to the tools they need, and already have the expe­ri­ence — they just need the credentials.

A video game design edu­ca­tion may offer train­ing in the fol­low­ing: com­put­er sci­ence, pro­gram­ming, soft­ware engi­neer­ing, 2D mod­el­ing, 3D mod­el­ing, ani­ma­tion, inter­face design, scriptwrit­ing, draw­ing, sto­ry­board ren­der­ing, and more. Ulti­mate­ly, a degree in video game design should pre­pare stu­dents for a suc­cess­ful career in this field.