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Key Infor­ma­tion:

  • Online Bach­e­lor’s in Entre­pre­neur­ship pro­grams offer flex­i­bil­i­ty, allow­ing stu­dents to bal­ance their stud­ies with oth­er commitments.
  • These pro­grams often include course­work in busi­ness plan­ning, finan­cial man­age­ment, mar­ket­ing, and inno­va­tion, pro­vid­ing a com­pre­hen­sive foun­da­tion for start­ing and man­ag­ing a business.
  • Many pro­grams empha­size prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence, includ­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties for intern­ships, projects, and col­lab­o­ra­tion with busi­ness pro­fes­sion­als.
  • Grad­u­ates can pur­sue careers as busi­ness own­ers, con­sul­tants, or man­agers in var­i­ous indus­tries, ben­e­fit­ing from a cur­ricu­lum designed to fos­ter entre­pre­neur­ial skills and mindset.

Becom­ing an entre­pre­neur can be as chal­leng­ing as it is reward­ing. On the one hand, being self-employed can be dif­fi­cult in that it is marked with uncer­tain­ty at every turn. On the oth­er hand, being an entre­pre­neur allows peo­ple to set their own sched­ules, choose what field they wish to work in, and it even makes it pos­si­ble for them to decide their own earn­ing poten­tial. One of the great­est ben­e­fits of get­ting a degree in entre­pre­neur­ship online is that you can boost your earn­ing poten­tial. On the one hand, if you are plan­ning on work­ing for your­self, acquir­ing an online entre­pre­neur­ship degree can give you the tools to boost your earn­ing poten­tial over­all. On the oth­er hand, hav­ing the knowl­edge to run a busi­ness can also help you to land a bet­ter-pay­ing posi­tion in any giv­en sector.

Despite the fact that many peo­ple seem to believe that there is no way to attain an online degree in entre­pre­neur­ship with­out quit­ting their present job and start­ing from scratch, tak­ing online cours­es makes it pos­si­ble for you to learn on your own sched­ule and thus, you are able to con­tin­ue work­ing until you are pre­pared to make your next moves.

Methodology: Ranking the Best Online Entrepreneurship Degree Programs

To rank the best online entre­pre­neur­ship degree pro­grams, Bachelor’s Degree Cen­ter focused on accred­it­ed, trust­ed insti­tu­tions with a rep­u­ta­tion for mak­ing real impacts on their grad­u­ates’ careers. Pro­grams are ranked accord­ing to their Tuition Cost, Stu­dent Sat­is­fac­tion, and Poten­tial Salary, with data from Col­lege Score­card, IPEDS, and Niche.

1. University of Maine

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Maine’s Busi­ness and Entre­pre­neur­ial Stud­ies, BS offers course­work in Busi­ness and Entre­pre­neur­ial Stud­ies, as well as oppor­tu­ni­ties for local intern­ships and job train­ing. Course­work includes Eco­nom­ics and Sta­tis­tics, Mar­ket­ing, Account­ing, Busi­ness, etc. The UMM Entre­pre­neur­ial pro­gram is one of the Best Online Entre­pre­neur­ship Bach­e­lor’s degree pro­grams. The uni­ver­si­ty sup­ports and encour­ages the dual focus on flex­i­ble course­work with a boots-on-the-ground start-up environment.

Uni­ver­si­ty of Maine is a pub­lic uni­ver­si­ty that was estab­lished in 1909. It is ranked #202 in the list of Best Nation­al Uni­ver­si­ties, tied for #47 in Best Online MBA Pro­grams, and tied for #192 in Best Online Bachelor’s Pro­grams, on US News & World Report. The nick­name is Clip­pers, and the school col­ors are green-and-white. The mot­to for the Uni­ver­si­ty of Maine is “Diri­go,” which is Latin for “Guide.”

Degree: Busi­ness and Entre­pre­neur­ial Stud­ies, BS

Uni­ver­si­ty of Maine Busi­ness and Entre­pre­neur­ial Stud­ies, BS

2. Franklin University

Franklin University’s Entre­pre­neur­ship, BS deliv­ers the tools busi­ness own­ers need to suc­ceed, includ­ing best prac­tices, foun­da­tion­al knowl­edge, finance and account­ing insight, busi­ness law, mar­ket­ing, and man­age­ment. The pro­gram is designed to offer next-lev­el accel­er­a­tion and strate­gic busi­ness devel­op­ment with the foun­da­tion to launch that big idea. The online degree offers train­ing on the best prac­tices and strate­gic tac­tics to grow a suc­cess­ful busi­ness. The pro­gram is one of the Best Online Entre­pre­neur­ship Bach­e­lor’s degree programs.

Found­ed in 1902, Franklin Uni­ver­si­ty has been called “The Uni­ver­si­ty of Oppor­tu­ni­ty.” The uni­ver­si­ty is one of the largest pri­vate uni­ver­si­ties in Ohio, with online cours­es that are designed to accel­er­ate the aca­d­e­m­ic process, while sup­port­ing simul­ta­ne­ous entre­pre­neur­ial pur­suits. The online pro­gram fits more eas­i­ly into the lives of busy busi­ness pro­fes­sion­als, while offer­ing rel­e­vant indus­try insight. Franklin Uni­ver­si­ty is ded­i­cat­ed to deliv­er­ing a high-qual­i­ty edu­ca­tion, with “gold-stan­dard” accred­i­ta­tion by High­er Learn­ing Com­mis­sion (HLC).

Degree: Entre­pre­neur­ship, BS

Franklin Uni­ver­si­ty Entre­pre­neur­ship, BS

3. Herzing University

Herz­ing University’s Entre­pre­neur­ship, BS focus­es on lead­er­ship devel­op­ment. The pro­gram sup­ports and encour­ages indus­try cer­ti­fi­ca­tions, dual cred­it toward an MBA, and prac­ti­cal, hands-on expe­ri­ence. The Entre­pre­neur­ship pro­gram sup­ports prob­lem-solv­ing, ana­lyt­i­cal, lead­er­ship, sales, and man­age­ment skills to pre­pare stu­dents for future career roles. The train­ing pre­pares stu­dents with a sol­id foun­da­tion of the tools and skills need­ed for busi­ness endeav­ors. The pro­gram is one of the Best Online Entre­pre­neur­ship Bach­e­lor’s degree programs.

Herz­ing Uni­ver­si­ty is a pro­pri­etary, co-ed school that was found­ed in 1965. It ranks #117-#153 in Mid­west Region­al Uni­ver­si­ties by US News & World Report. It ties for #93 in the rank of “Best Online Bach­e­lor’s Pro­grams.” The school mot­to is: “[I’m] Pos­si­ble at Herz­ing.” The grad­u­a­tion rate for the Menomonee Falls cam­pus is 62%. The uni­ver­si­ty is accred­it­ed by the Inter­na­tion­al Accred­i­ta­tion Coun­cil for Busi­ness Edu­ca­tion (IACBE).

Degree: Entre­pre­neur­ship, BS

Herz­ing Uni­ver­si­ty Entre­pre­neur­ship, BS

4. Western Carolina University

West­ern Car­oli­na University’s Entre­pre­neur­ship Pro­gram, BS is a top-ranked pro­gram that is designed to pre­pare busi­ness lead­ers for the glob­al mar­ket­place. The Bach­e­lor of Sci­ence in Entre­pre­neur­ship com­bines course­work in Eco­nom­ics, Man­age­ment, Account­ing, Mar­ket­ing, and Math­e­mat­ics with flex­i­ble con­cen­tra­tion options to sup­port inno­va­tion and a hands-on approach to pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment and busi­ness man­age­ment. The pro­gram is one of the Best Online Entre­pre­neur­ship Bach­e­lor’s degree programs.

West­ern Car­oli­na Uni­ver­si­ty is a pub­lic uni­ver­si­ty and one of the old­est insti­tu­tions in the Uni­ver­si­ty of North Car­oli­na uni­ver­si­ty sys­tem. The UNC sys­tem mot­to is “Lux lib­er­tas,” which is Latin for “Light and Lib­er­ty.” The mis­sion of the UNC sys­tem is to sup­port schol­ar­ship, research, and cre­ativ­i­ty through improved access to learn­ing and to enhance the qual­i­ty of life for North Car­oli­na cit­i­zens. Their goal and pur­pose per­fect­ly meld with vision of entre­pre­neur­ship at West­ern Car­oli­na Uni­ver­si­ty. The WCU school col­ors are pur­ple-and-gold, and the nick­name is Catamounts.

Degree: Entre­pre­neur­ship, BS

West­ern Car­oli­na Uni­ver­si­ty Entre­pre­neur­ship, BS

5. Metropolitan State University

Met­ro­pol­i­tan State University’s Entre­pre­neur­ship and Inno­va­tion, BS, offers a range of course­work in Finance, Infor­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy, Oper­a­tions and Strate­gic Man­age­ment, Mar­ket­ing, Account­ing, Law, Prod­uct Devel­op­ment, and Eco­nom­ics to craft the stu­dent into an Entre­pre­neur. Course­work is designed and taught by “experts” in the field, so it is the ide­al schol­ar­ly atmos­phere to build per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al skills for use in new or exist­ing orga­ni­za­tions. The pro­gram is one of the Best Online Entre­pre­neur­ship Bach­e­lor’s degree programs.

Met­ro­pol­i­tan State Uni­ver­si­ty (Metro State) is a pub­lic uni­ver­si­ty that ranks #293-#381 in Nation­al Uni­ver­si­ties for US News & World Report. The school’s mot­to is “Where life and learn­ing meet,” which high­lights the pow­er of the online learn­ing options avail­able for busi­ness and entre­pre­neur­ship from Metro State. The nick­name is Muskrats. The uni­ver­si­ty is accred­i­ta­tion by High­er Learn­ing Com­mis­sion (HLC) as well as by the Accred­i­ta­tion Coun­cil for Busi­ness Schools and Pro­grams (ACBSP). The uni­ver­si­ty has an 67% grad­u­a­tion rate.

Degree: Entre­pre­neur­ship and Inno­va­tion, BS

Met­ro­pol­i­tan State Uni­ver­si­ty Entre­pre­neur­ship and Inno­va­tion, BS

6. Albertus Magnus College

Alber­tus Mag­nus College’s Busi­ness Man­age­ment: Entre­pre­neur­ship, BS offers of con­cen­tra­tion via course­work in Busi­ness Mod­el­ing, Social Entre­pre­neur­ship, Project Devel­op­ment and Man­age­ment, Law, and Human Resources. The pro­gram is designed to sup­port the growth of busi­ness lead­ers in con­stant­ly chang­ing busi­ness envi­ron­ments. Career oppor­tu­ni­ties in entre­pre­neur­ship are pro­ject­ed to grow by 8.6% in the next ten years. The pro­gram is one of the Best Online Entre­pre­neur­ship Bach­e­lor’s degree programs.

Alber­tus Mag­nus Col­lege is a pri­vate, lib­er­al col­lege in a sub­ur­ban set­ting. The tagline is “We have faith in your future.” The col­lege has been offer­ing accel­er­at­ed aca­d­e­m­ic pro­grams since 1985, but the Online & Flex Pro­grams offer even more ver­sa­til­i­ty for an effec­tive online learn­ing process. The school’s col­ors are white-and-blue. Alber­tus Mag­nus Col­lege tied for the #66 rank in Region­al Uni­ver­si­ties North, tied for #38 in Best Col­leges for Vet­er­ans, and ranked #65 in Best Val­ue Schools by the US News & World Report.

Degree: Busi­ness Man­age­ment: Entre­pre­neur­ship, BS

Alber­tus Mag­nus Col­lege Busi­ness Man­age­ment: Entre­pre­neur­ship, BS

7. Gardner Webb University

Gard­ner Webb University’s Entre­pre­neur­ship, BS offers skills-based learn­ing to sup­port busi­ness devel­op­ment and man­age­ment, with lead­er­ship, faith, and ethics as a cen­tral focus. Course­work includes Finance, Mar­ket­ing, Sta­tis­tics, Lead­er­ship, and Strate­gic Plan­ning. the train­ing and fun­da­men­tal skill set are designed to pre­pare stu­dents for an entre­pre­neur­ial career across a vari­ety of busi­ness fields. The pro­gram is one of the Best Online Entre­pre­neur­ship Bach­e­lor’s degree programs.

Gard­ner Webb Uni­ver­si­ty was found­ed in 1905 as a pri­vate uni­ver­si­ty. It is ranked #281 for “Nation­al Uni­ver­si­ties” and #34 for “Region­al Uni­ver­si­ties in the South,” by US News & World Report. The grad­u­a­tion rate is at 53%. The school’s mot­to is “Pro Deo et Human­i­tate,” which is trans­lat­ed to “For God and Human­i­ty.” The school col­ors are black-and-scar­let, and the mas­cot is Mac the Bulldog.

Degree: Entre­pre­neur­ship, BS

8. Liberty University

Lib­er­ty University’s Busi­ness Admin­is­tra­tion: Entre­pre­neur­ship, BS offers course­work designed to grow lead­ers in the lib­er­al arts tra­di­tion. With online degree options, course­work includes Eco­nom­ics, Data Ana­lyt­ics, Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, Finance, Green & Sus­tain­able Man­age­ment, Inter­na­tion­al Busi­ness, Human Resources, Pub­lic Admin­is­tra­tion, and Project Man­age­ment. The pro­gram is one of the Best Online Entre­pre­neur­ship Bach­e­lor’s degree programs.

Lib­er­ty Uni­ver­si­ty is one of the largest pri­vate uni­ver­si­ty in the world. It was ranked #293-#381 in Nation­al Uni­ver­si­ties by US News & World Report. The col­lege is ranked #585 in the Forbes’s List of “Top Col­leges,” while hold­ing the spot of #371 in “Pri­vate Col­leges,” and #231 in “Research Uni­ver­si­ties.” The school’s mot­to is “Knowl­edge Aflame.” The school mas­cot is Sparky the Eagle, and the col­ors are red-white, and blue.

Degree: Busi­ness Admin­is­tra­tion: Entre­pre­neur­ship, BS

Lib­er­ty Uni­ver­si­ty Busi­ness Admin­is­tra­tion: Entre­pre­neur­ship, BS

9. Lindenwood University

Lin­den­wood University’s Fash­ion Busi­ness and Entre­pre­neur­ship, BS offers a diverse edu­ca­tion to cov­er the basics of build­ing and man­ag­ing a suc­cess­ful busi­ness. Course­work includes a mix of Com­put­er-Aid­ed Design, Man­age­ment, Eco­nom­ics, Finance, Busi­ness Law, Adver­tis­ing, and Strat­e­gy. The focus is on the fash­ion indus­try, so you can find out how to bring the new-hot styles to the run­way. The pro­gram is one of the Best Online Entre­pre­neur­ship Bach­e­lor’s degree programs.

Lin­den­wood Uni­ver­si­ty is ranked #293-#381 in Nation­al Uni­ver­si­ties by US News & World Report. Their mot­to is — Real Expe­ri­ence. Real Suc­cess. Lin­den­wood’s col­ors are black-and-gold, and their mas­cot is Leo the Lion. The school is the 2nd old­est high­er-edu­ca­tion insti­tute west of the Mis­sis­sip­pi Riv­er. Lin­den­wood Uni­ver­si­ty is rec­og­nized as being one of the “Most Afford­able Online Colleges.”

Degree: Fash­ion Busi­ness and Entre­pre­neur­ship, BS

Lin­den­wood Uni­ver­si­ty Fash­ion Busi­ness and Entre­pre­neur­ship, BS

10. William Woods University

William Woods University’s Busi­ness Admin­is­tra­tion: Entre­pre­neur­ship, BS fos­ters lead­er­ship and entre­pre­neur­ship. The Busi­ness Admin­is­tra­tion Con­cen­tra­tion in Entre­pre­neur­ial Man­age­ment is an online only pro­gram that offers the lev­el of knowhow and real-world tools to sup­port start­ing a busi­ness. The flex­i­ble online cur­ricu­lum focus­es on cus­tomer ser­vice, lead­er­ship, and human resources. The entre­pre­neur­ial focus should pre­pare indi­vid­u­als to be lead­ers in the busi­ness fields of their choice. The pro­gram is one of the Best Online Entre­pre­neur­ship Bach­e­lor’s degree programs.

William Woods Uni­ver­si­ty was found­ed in 1870 as a pri­vate insti­tu­tion. The uni­ver­si­ty was ranked #293-#381 in Nation­al Uni­ver­si­ties and #165 in Top Per­form­ers on Social Mobil­i­ty by US News & World Report. The school’s mot­to is “Amor Vincit Omnia,” which trans­lates to “Love Con­quers All.” WWU is accred­it­ed by the High­er Lean­ing Com­mis­sion (HLC). The aver­age grad­u­a­tion rate is at 56% for William Woods University.

Degree: Busi­ness Admin­is­tra­tion: Entre­pre­neur­ship, BS

William Woods Uni­ver­si­ty Busi­ness Admin­is­tra­tion: Entre­pre­neur­ship, BS

11. Southern New Hampshire University

South­ern New Hamp­shire University’s Busi­ness Admin­is­tra­tion: Entre­pre­neur­ship, BS focus­es on how to suc­cess­ful­ly build and man­age a busi­ness. The pro­gram posi­tions stu­dents to use mar­ket research and man­age­r­i­al prin­ci­ples. The online course­work sup­ports pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment in finan­cial, legal, and oper­a­tional spheres. The pro­gram­mat­ic ben­e­fits are con­ve­nient, flex­i­ble, and afford­able, but the pro­gram fea­tures expert instruc­tion, sim­ple appli­ca­tion process, net­work­ing, and sup­port. The pro­gram is one of the Best Online Entre­pre­neur­ship Bach­e­lor’s degree programs.

South­ern New Hamp­shire Uni­ver­si­ty was found­ed in 1932 as a pri­vate insti­tu­tion. The uni­ver­si­ty is ranked #92 in Region­al Uni­ver­si­ties North by US News & World Report. The mot­to is “Sum­ma Opti­maque,” which trans­lates to “The Great­est and the Best.” The col­ors are blue-and-gold, and the mas­cot is Petey Pen­men. SNHU is accred­it­ed by the Accred­i­ta­tion Coun­cil for Busi­ness Schools and Pro­grams (ACBSP) and Com­mis­sion on Insti­tu­tions of High­er Edu­ca­tion of the New Eng­land Asso­ci­a­tion of Schools and Col­leges. SNHU is expand­ing, the uni­ver­si­ty is among the fastest grow­ing uni­ver­si­ties in the US.

Degree: Busi­ness Admin­is­tra­tion: Entre­pre­neur­ship, BS

South­ern New Hamp­shire Uni­ver­si­ty Busi­ness Admin­is­tra­tion: Entre­pre­neur­ship, BS

12. Northwood University

North­wood University’s Entre­pre­neur­ship, BA offers the skills and knowl­edge it takes to be an entre­pre­neur. NU has been train­ing lead­ers for more than 60 years, with cur­ricu­lum to pre­pare the stu­dent to own and man­age a busi­ness. The pro­gram is designed to offer the hands-on train­ing via men­tor­ship, work­shops, train­ing, and oth­er real-world resources. The focus of the school is to build entre­pre­neurs and lead­ers who can “shape the world.” The pro­gram is one of the Best Online Entre­pre­neur­ship Bach­e­lor’s degree programs.

North­wood Uni­ver­si­ty was found­ed in 1959 as a pri­vate insti­tu­tion. The col­ors are dark blue and lighter blue. The nick­name is Tim­ber­wolves, and the mas­cot is “Woody” Tim­ber­wolf. The school is accred­it­ed by is accred­it­ed by the High­er Lean­ing Com­mis­sion (HLC), as well as by the Accred­i­ta­tion Coun­cil for Busi­ness Schools and Pro­grams (ACBSP). The uni­ver­si­ty has been repeat­ed­ly rec­og­nized for the val­ue and qual­i­ty of its online pro­grams. NU is ranked #4 in Best Online Bachelor’s in Busi­ness Admin­is­tra­tion. The uni­ver­si­ty was ranked for “Best Val­ue School in Michi­gan” by Payscale. NU was ranked “Best Online Pro­grams” in Bachelor’s and MBA Pro­grams in US News & World Report. The school’s mis­sion is to devel­op future lead­ers in a free-enter­prise (glob­al) society.

Degree: Entre­pre­neur­ship, BA

North­wood Uni­ver­si­ty Entre­pre­neur­ship, BA

13. Brandman University

Brand­man University’s Entre­pre­neur­ship, BBA pre­pares entre­pre­neurs for the world of busi­ness. The online pro­gram focus­es on mar­ket research, financ­ing, mar­ket­ing, account­ing, and prod­uct devel­op­ment. The hands-on train­ing and men­tor­ship build on the com­pre­hen­sive course­work. The online entre­pre­neur­ship pro­gram goes beyond the tac­ti­cal skills and the­o­ry to put the tools into action. The pro­gram is one of the Best Online Entre­pre­neur­ship Bach­e­lor’s degree programs.

Brand­man Uni­ver­si­ty was found­ed in 1958 as a pri­vate insti­tu­tion. It is part of the Chap­man Uni­ver­si­ty Sys­tem. The uni­ver­si­ty sys­tem mot­to is “ὀ Χριστòς καì ἡ Ἐκκλησíα,” trans­lat­ed “Christ and Church.” The school col­ors are gold-and-maroon. Brand­man Uni­ver­si­ty is tied for #106 in the Best Online Bachelor’s Pro­grams. Brandman’s mis­sion is to pro­vide a dynam­ic edu­ca­tion, with a focus on the flex­i­bil­i­ty and qual­i­ty that will trans­late into a career.

Degree: Entre­pre­neur­ship, BBA

Brand­man Uni­ver­si­ty Entre­pre­neur­ship, BBA

14. Ashford University

Ash­ford University’s Entre­pre­neur­ship, BA allows an indi­vid­ual to tap into the unique online oppor­tu­ni­ties to devel­op the fun­da­men­tal skills need­ed to build and man­age a suc­cess­ful busi­ness. Own­ers of new star­tups do not always know what they do not know, but this pro­gram offers the skills, knowl­edge base, and exper­tise to move beyond the dream and into an action-ori­ent­ed busi­ness focus. The pro­gram is one of the Best Online Entre­pre­neur­ship Bach­e­lor’s degree programs.

Ash­ford Uni­ver­si­ty was estab­lished as a for-prof­it insti­tu­tion in 2005. The school is accred­it­ed by the Inter­na­tion­al Accred­i­ta­tion Coun­cil for Busi­ness Edu­ca­tion (IACBE), as well as by the WASC Senior Col­lege and Uni­ver­si­ty Com­mis­sion (WSCUC). The mot­to is “Tech­nol­o­gy Changes Every­thing™” and the col­ors are gold-and-pur­ple. The mas­cot is Champ, and the nick­name is The Saints.

Degree: Entre­pre­neur­ship, BA

15. Lamar University

Lamar University’s Entre­pre­neur­ship, BBA is a Busi­ness Admin­is­tra­tion pro­gram that is tar­get­ed for self-moti­vat­ed entre­pre­neurs. The uni­ver­si­ty is nation­al­ly rec­og­nized for its qual­i­ty cur­ricu­lum. The online Busi­ness Admin­is­tra­tion in Entre­pre­neur­ship pro­gram offers the lev­el of foun­da­tion­al skills devel­op­ment that allows stu­dents of all lev­els of exper­tise achieve that next lev­el of suc­cess across busi­ness mod­els. The train­ing and course­work are designed to com­ple­ment and enhance the tech­no­log­i­cal and data-analy­sis focus. The goal of the cross-dis­ci­pli­nary train­ing approach is to pre­pare stu­dents for the ever-evolv­ing, com­plex world of busi­ness. The pro­gram is one of the Best Online Entre­pre­neur­ship Bach­e­lor’s degree programs.

Lamar Uni­ver­si­ty (Lamar or LU) start­ed out as a Junior Col­lege, but it has been a part of the Texas State Uni­ver­si­ty Sys­tem since 1995, as a pub­lic insti­tu­tion. The uni­ver­si­ty is accred­it­ed by the Asso­ci­a­tion to Advance Col­le­giate Schools of Busi­ness (AACSB). Even the mot­to synchs up with the entre­pre­neur­ial focus: “Liv­ing the Lega­cy, Invent­ing the Future.” The col­ors are white-and-red, while the nick­name is Car­di­nals, and the mas­cot is Big Red, the Cardinal.

Degree: Entre­pre­neur­ship, BBA

Lamar Uni­ver­si­ty Entre­pre­neur­ship, BBA

Why Should I Get My Entrepreneurship Degree Online?

For those who are won­der­ing about the ben­e­fits of an online degree in entre­pre­neur­ship, some of them are as follows:

More School Options: If you are pur­su­ing your degree by going to a phys­i­cal loca­tion, you will obvi­ous­ly be lim­it­ed to the schools in your area or in areas that you are will­ing to relo­cate to. How­ev­er, by pur­su­ing online entre­pre­neur­ship degrees, you will have a much greater selec­tion of col­leges and uni­ver­si­ties to choose from. This makes it pos­si­ble for you to gain accep­tance to vir­tu­al­ly any col­lege you can meet the qual­i­fi­ca­tions of.

Cost-Effec­tive: Pur­su­ing an online entre­pre­neur­ship degree can be a cost-effec­tive method of obtain­ing a bachelor’s degree. Online learn­ers will often pay less for busi­ness pro­grams than on-cam­pus stu­dents as well. That saves you on finan­cial aid. Addi­tion­al­ly, those who go to school online also tend to save mon­ey on expens­es such as trans­porta­tion, text­books, and more.

Busi­ness-Savvy Skills: Although acquir­ing online degrees in entre­pre­neur­ship does not guar­an­tee suc­cess, this does ensure that stu­dents become more busi­ness-savvy in gen­er­al. There­fore, no mat­ter if the per­son choos­es to be self-employed or work for oth­ers, they will be bet­ter equipped to run busi­ness­es of all kinds.

Make Busi­ness Con­nec­tions: Anoth­er great ben­e­fit of pur­su­ing a degree in entre­pre­neur­ship online is that it will allow you to make sol­id and often long-last­ing busi­ness con­nec­tions. Giv­en that you will be attend­ing class with oth­ers who are also inter­est­ed in start­ed busi­ness­es, you may be able to estab­lish a sol­id net­work that can help you in both your per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al endeav­ors. Addi­tion­al­ly, you can speak with these peo­ple on your own time in order to ask ques­tions, cre­ate study groups, or any­thing else that you feel may be nec­es­sary for your scholas­tic success.

If you have trans­fer cred­its from an asso­ciate degree and work expe­ri­ence that take care of your gen­er­al edu­ca­tion require­ments, your online bachelor’s degree can be much faster than usu­al. You can jump straight to your busi­ness core major cours­es and elec­tives and not waste pre­cious cred­it hours on some­thing out­side their career paths.

Admis­sion require­ments for an online bach­e­lor of busi­ness admin­is­tra­tion are also low­er, which could be good for entre­pre­neur­ial types who were more inter­est­ed in their new ven­ture or new busi­ness than in high school. Start dates may be scat­tered through­out the year so you can make your plans. Enroll­ment in a full-time pro­gram can hap­pen anytime.

You may take a cap­stone project relat­ed to your spe­cial­iza­tion. You may use that to intro­duce new prod­ucts, pitch a busi­ness ven­ture, or show your progress.

What Will I Learn in an Entrepreneurship Degree Program?

If you are won­der­ing what you will learn while pur­su­ing an online entre­pre­neur­ship degree, some of the cours­es for entre­pre­neur­ship you will take are as follows:

  • Employ­ee compensation
  • Busi­ness plan and prod­uct development
  • Invest­ment analysis
  • Pur­chas­ing
  • Oper­a­tions management
  • Busi­ness ethics
  • Small busi­ness management
  • Bud­get­ing
  • Human resource management
  • Sup­ply chain management

The busi­ness skills a small busi­ness own­er or entre­pre­neur will need encom­pass every­thing a busi­ness is.

These and oth­er online entre­pre­neur­ship cours­es teach those who are pur­su­ing these degrees things such as how to eth­i­cal­ly run a busi­ness, how to prop­er­ly pur­chase the nec­es­sary tools and goods to run a busi­ness, how to under­stand and get the most out of their invest­ment, how to devel­op and imple­ment a busi­ness plan, and much more.

Stu­dents also learn skills such as risk analy­sis and mar­ket­ing and man­u­fac­tur­ing, among oth­er use­ful skills like deci­sion-mak­ing, crit­i­cal think­ing, and com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills. Depend­ing on the type of busi­ness one wish­es to start, they can also go more in-depth and begin to learn about spe­cif­ic aspects of their realm of choice.

Can I Get a Job with an Entrepreneurship Degree?

If you are more con­cerned about acquir­ing jobs with a entre­pre­neur­ship degree, rather than work­ing for your­self, an entre­pre­neur degree can be ben­e­fi­cial there as well. If you are seek­ing degree in entre­pre­neur­ship jobs, some of your options are as follows:

  • Busi­ness Consultant
  • Mid-Lev­el Management
  • Sales Jobs
  • Research and Development
  • Non-Prof­it Fundraiser
  • Recruiter
  • Teacher
  • Busi­ness Reporter

Addi­tion­al­ly, some oth­er options for entre­pre­neur­ship degree jobs, you can enter into oth­er free­lance fields such as writ­ing, design graph­ics, cloth­ing design, dig­i­tal media design, pub­lish­ing, and more. Although free­lance jobs are more akin to run­ning your own busi­ness, those who choose this route can take on tem­po­rary or long-term assign­ments with var­i­ous clients or com­pa­nies, if they so choose. There­fore, they will have the option of float­ing around from client to client or work­ing with just a few clients for a short or long-term basis.

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