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Key Infor­ma­tion:

  • Pur­due Uni­ver­si­ty Glob­al and CSU Glob­al offer top online bach­e­lor’s in addic­tion coun­sel­ing.
  • Earn­ing an online addic­tions coun­sel­ing degree from accred­it­ed pro­grams pro­vides increased employ­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties and high­er earnings.
  • Online sub­stance abuse coun­sel­ing degrees offer flex­i­bil­i­ty and con­ve­nience, sav­ing mon­ey on addi­tion­al expens­es like travel.
  • Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion is required to become a licensed sub­stance abuse coun­selor, with most pro­grams assist­ing in prepa­ra­tion for the online or tra­di­tion­al cer­ti­fi­ca­tion exams.

If you’ve been con­sid­er­ing get­ting a degree and start­ing a career as an addic­tions coun­selor, you may have won­dered, Why should I get my bach­e­lor’s in Addic­tion or Sub­stance Abuse Coun­sel­ing online? And the chances are also good that those who are ask­ing the ques­tions are already work­ing in the field or are con­sid­er­ing an online sub­stance abuse coun­sel­ing degree. So why should peo­ple con­sid­er online addic­tion coun­sel­ing degrees and what are the ben­e­fits of pur­su­ing an online addic­tions coun­sel­ing degree.

Like any­thing we invest our time, ener­gy, and mon­ey into, it only makes sense to under­stand why we are doing it. The same is true for invest­ing the time, ener­gy, and finances into options like sub­stance abuse coun­sel­ing degrees online. That’s why Bachelor’s Degree Cen­ter has worked to rank the best online addic­tions coun­sel­ing degree pro­grams in the nation.

Methodology: Ranking the Best Addiction Counseling Online Degrees

For prospec­tive stu­dents who want to earn their bachelor’s in addic­tion coun­sel­ing online, BDC edi­tors have focused on rep­utable, accred­it­ed col­leges and uni­ver­si­ties offer­ing ful­ly online and hybrid pro­grams. We rank pro­grams accord­ing to cost, grad­u­ate salary, and stu­dent satisfaction.

1. Purdue University Global

Pur­due Uni­ver­si­ty Glob­al offers a BS in Psy­chol­o­gy with an aca­d­e­m­ic track in addic­tions that is ranked among the best online addic­tions coun­sel­ing degree options. Pur­due Uni­ver­si­ty Global’s degree in addic­tion coun­sel­ing online offers mul­ti­ple start dates through­out the year. These addic­tion coun­sel­ing online degrees from Pur­due have received accred­i­ta­tion from the NASAC – Nat. Addic­tion Stud­ies Accred­it­ing Com­mis­sion. Class­es for this under­grad­u­ate psy­chol­o­gy degree include clin­i­cal psy­chol­o­gy, psy­chophar­ma­col­o­gy of alco­hol & drugs, and case man­age­ment in clin­i­cal set­tings, to name a few.

Pur­due Uni­ver­si­ty Glob­al was found­ed in 2018 and oper­ates to serve adult learn­ers by the pur­chase of Kaplan Uni­ver­si­ty. While the school pri­mar­i­ly serves its 29,000 stu­dents online, there are four loca­tions, includ­ing a law school.

What We Like: The phys­i­cal learn­ing loca­tions are in Iowa, Maine, Indi­ana, and Nebraska.

Degree: BS in Psy­chol­o­gy — Addictions

Pur­due Uni­ver­si­ty Glob­al BS in Psy­chol­o­gy — Addictions

2. CSU Global

CSU Glob­al offers a BS in Human Ser­vices that is ranked among Colorado’s most afford­able online addic­tions coun­sel­ing degree pro­grams. Class­es for CSU’s degree in addic­tion coun­sel­ing online include the com­pe­ten­cy areas of human devel­op­ment, case man­age­ment, and inter­ven­tion meth­ods, among oth­ers. Stu­dents grad­u­at­ing from CSU’s addic­tion coun­sel­ing online degrees find reward­ing careers as child advo­cates, behav­ioral man­ners, pro­ba­tion offi­cers, and case work­ers, to name a few.

CSU Glob­al was estab­lished in 2007 to serve non­tra­di­tion­al stu­dents and work­ing learn­ers out­side the typ­i­cal CSU loca­tion. This online school serves more than 20,000 stu­dents each year through its bac­calau­re­ate degree com­ple­tion pro­grams – allow­ing for pre­vi­ous­ly earned cred­it and work experience.

What We Like: CSU Glob­al has been rec­og­nized to be the first non­prof­it online uni­ver­si­ty in the nation that was statu­to­ri­ly defined by the state government.

Degree: Human Ser­vices BS

CSU Glob­al BS in Human Services

3. University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Texas Rio Grande Val­ley offers a BS in Addic­tion Stud­ies that is ranked among the top addic­tion coun­sel­ing online degrees in Texas. TTU’s online addic­tions coun­sel­ing degree pro­gram pro­vides degree can­di­dates a unique inte­gra­tion of lead­er­ship, pro­gram devel­op­ment, and finan­cial man­age­ment against a cul­tur­al com­pe­tence back­drop. Grad­u­ates of UTRGV degree in addic­tion coun­sel­ing online pro­gram are qual­i­fied to reg­is­ter with the state as a licensed Chem­i­cal depen­den­cy Coun­selor Intern.

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Texas Rio Grande Val­ley began in 2013 with the con­sol­i­da­tion of two UT sys­tem schools. As the first major pub­lic uni­ver­si­ty in the Texas for the 21st cen­tu­ry, UTRGV is already the fourth-largest in the UT sys­tem and ded­i­cat­ed to ser­vice for stu­dents and the community.

What We Like: UTRGV is one of the largest His­pan­ic-serv­ing uni­ver­si­ties in the US.

Degree: BS in Addic­tion Studies

Uni­ver­si­ty of Texas Rio Grande Val­ley BS in Addic­tion Studies

4. Indiana Wesleyan University

Indi­ana Wes­leyan Uni­ver­si­ty offers a BS in Addic­tion Coun­sel­ing that can be com­plet­ed entire­ly online. Indi­ana Wes­leyan University’s online addic­tions coun­sel­ing degree pro­gram can be com­plet­ed in less than two years. Class­es for IWU’s degree in addic­tion coun­sel­ing online pro­gram include addic­tions the­o­ry, gen­er­al psy­chol­o­gy, the­o­ry of group coun­sel­ing, and the­o­ries of per­son­al­i­ty, among oth­ers. Stu­dents enrolled in IWU’s addic­tion coun­sel­ing online degrees are required to com­plete a relat­ed practicum to apply the­o­ries to real-world circumstances.

Found­ed in 1920, Indi­ana Wes­leyan Uni­ver­si­ty is a pri­vate school that is affil­i­at­ed with the Chris­t­ian Wes­leyan Evan­gel­i­cal Church. The sub­ur­ban Mar­i­on cam­pus of IWU is home to approx­i­mate­ly 3,000 year­ly stu­dents who are study­ing for the near­ly 150 degrees offered by IWU.

What We Like: IWU’s Mar­i­on cam­pus was ini­tial­ly a nor­mal school for teacher training.

Degree: BS in Addic­tions Counseling

Indi­ana Wes­leyan Uni­ver­si­ty BS in Addic­tion Counseling

5. University of Cincinnati

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Cincin­nati offers a BS in Sub­stance Abuse Coun­sel­ing that offers four start dates each year. The Uni­ver­si­ty of Cincinnati’s online addic­tions coun­sel­ing degree pro­gram requires 120 under­grad­u­ate semes­ter units to grad­u­ate, and both full and part-time stu­dents may attend class­es. The bestschools.org ranks UC’s addic­tion coun­sel­ing online degrees among the top in the nation. Class­es for Cincinnati’s degree in addic­tion coun­sel­ing online pro­gram include assess­ment in sub­stance abuse, foun­da­tions of cul­tur­al com­pe­tence, and cri­sis inter­ven­tion, to name a few.

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Cincin­nati (UC) was found­ed as a col­lege in 1819. The uni­ver­si­ty also per­forms as a space-grant school with more than 46,250 stu­dents – mak­ing it the sec­ond-largest in the State of Ohio.

What We Like: The Uni­ver­si­ty of Cincin­nati is a mem­ber of the state’s uni­ver­si­ty sys­tem and the old­est school in the greater Cincin­nati area.

Degree: BS in Sub­stance Abuse Counseling

Uni­ver­si­ty of Cincin­nati BS in Sub­stance Abuse Counseling

6. Washburn University

Wash­burn Uni­ver­si­ty offers a Bach­e­lor of Applied Sci­ence in Fam­i­ly Health Sci­ences (BASFHS) degree pro­gram with an aca­d­e­m­ic track Addic­tion Coun­sel­ing that is among the best addic­tion coun­sel­ing online degrees offered by a state uni­ver­si­ty. Washburn’s degree in addic­tion coun­sel­ing online pro­gram includes core class­es in human devel­op­ment, fam­i­ly issues, group coun­sel­ing, addic­tions treat­ment, sub­stance use dis­or­ders, and men­tal health & addic­tions, to name a few. Addi­tion­al­ly, stu­dents enrolled in Wash­burn University’s online addic­tions coun­sel­ing degree pro­gram are required to com­plete two addic­tions-relat­ed practicums or internships.

Wash­burn Uni­ver­si­ty was estab­lished as Lin­coln Col­lege – a pub­lic insti­tu­tion of high­er edu­ca­tion char­tered by the state, in the mid-1860s. Bob Dole is one of the most famous alum­ni of Wash­burn University.

What We Like: Wash­burn University’s law school was the first to offer a clin­ic in which law stu­dents could active­ly practice.

Degree: BAS in Addic­tion Counseling

Wash­burn Uni­ver­si­ty BAS in Fam­i­ly Health Sciences

7. Fort Hays State University

Fort Hays State Uni­ver­si­ty offers two of Kansas’ addic­tion coun­sel­ing online degrees with its Bach­e­lor of Arts or Bach­e­lor of Sci­ence in Soci­ol­o­gy with an aca­d­e­m­ic track in addic­tion coun­sel­ing. Class­es for FHSU’s degree in addic­tion coun­sel­ing online pro­gram include group coun­sel­ing in addic­tion, ethics in addic­tions coun­sel­ing, pharmacology/high risk med­ical issues, and client man­age­ment pro­ce­dures, to name a few. Degree can­di­dates enrolled in Fort Hays State University’s online addic­tions coun­sel­ing degree pro­gram must also com­plete two addic­tions practicums to meet grad­u­a­tion requirements.

Fort Hays State Uni­ver­si­ty (Fort Hays) was estab­lished in 1902 as a state-run nor­mal school that even­tu­al­ly become Empo­ria State Uni­ver­si­ty. The university’s main cam­pus cov­ers more than 180 acres and serves near­ly 16,000 stu­dents each year.

What We Like: Fort Hays State University’s cam­pus was entire­ly flood­ed by the 1951 great flood.

Degree: BA/BS in Soci­ol­o­gy — Addic­tion Counseling

Fort Hays State Uni­ver­si­ty BA/BS in Soci­ol­o­gy — Addic­tion Counseling

8. University of South Dakota

The Uni­ver­si­ty of South Dakota’s Dept of Addic­tion Coun­sel­ing & Pre­ven­tion offers a Bach­e­lor of Sci­ence degree (BS) pro­gram in Addic­tion Coun­sel­ing and Pre­ven­tion (ACP) that is among South Dakota’s top Kansas’ addic­tion coun­sel­ing online degrees. This degree in addic­tion coun­sel­ing online pro­gram has been accred­it­ed by the NASAC. The Uni­ver­si­ty of South Dakota’s FHSU’s online addic­tions coun­sel­ing degree pro­gram requires stu­dents to com­plete 120 cred­it units, with core class­es in drug use and addic­tion, group addic­tion, evi­dence-based deci­sion-mak­ing, and the psy­chophar­ma­col­o­gy of addic­tion, plus a practicum and intern­ship, among others.

The Uni­ver­si­ty of South Dako­ta (USD Ver­mil­lion) was estab­lished in the ear­ly 1860s but now oper­ates as a space-grant research uni­ver­si­ty near­ly three decades pri­or to South Dako­ta reach­ing state­hood. The university’s rur­al cam­pus in Ver­mil­lion is home to near­ly 10,000 under­grad­u­ate and post­grad­u­ate students.

What We Like: The med­ical and law school at USD, are the only options in the state of South Dakota.

Degree: BS in Addic­tion Coun­sel­ing and Prevention

Uni­ver­si­ty of South Dako­ta BS in Addic­tion Coun­sel­ing and Prevention

9. Brescia University

Bres­cia Uni­ver­si­ty offers a BS in Addic­tion Coun­sel­ing that ranks among Kentucky’s top addic­tion coun­sel­ing online degrees. This degree in addic­tion coun­sel­ing online pro­gram is avail­able to part and full-time stu­dents. Core course­work for Bres­cia University’s online addic­tions coun­sel­ing degree pro­gram includes 42 cred­it hours in class­es that include cri­sis and brief inter­ven­tions in coun­sel­ing, addic­tion, and the fam­i­ly, ethics and pro­fes­sion­al respon­si­bil­i­ty, recov­ery & relapse pre­ven­tion, and two field place­ment practicums, to name a few.

Bres­cia Uni­ver­si­ty was estab­lished as a junior col­lege for women but now oper­ates coed­u­ca­tion­al­ly. The uni­ver­si­ty is affil­i­at­ed with the Catholic (Sis­ter of Mount St. Joseph) and serves near­ly 1,300 stu­dents each year.

What We Like: Bres­cia University’s ath­letes play as the ‘Bearcats’ in the Riv­er State Con­fer­ence with the NAIA in a vari­ety of men’s and women’s sports.

Degree: BS in Addic­tion Counseling

Bres­cia Uni­ver­si­ty BS in Addic­tion Counseling

10. University of Central Arkansas

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Cen­tral Arkansas offers a BS in Addic­tion Stud­ies that is the only degree in addic­tion coun­sel­ing online pro­gram avail­able in the state. UCA’s addic­tion coun­sel­ing online degrees include class­es in men­tal health, theory/practice of pre­ven­tion, addic­tions assess­ment, and legal/ethical issues in addic­tions, to name a few. Grad­u­ates of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cen­tral Arkansas’s online addic­tions coun­sel­ing degree pro­gram are pre­pared for reward­ing careers in hos­pi­tals, clin­ics, schools, and gov­ern­ment agen­cies, to name a few.

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Cen­tral Arkansas (Cen­tral Arkansas) was estab­lished as the only nor­mal school in Arkansas in 1907. The sub­ur­ban cam­pus (and dis­tance learn­ing plat­form) serves more than 11,250 under­grad­u­ate & grad­u­ate students.

What We Like: The Uni­ver­si­ty of Cen­tral Arkansas holds the dis­tinc­tion of being one of the state’s old­est insti­tu­tions of high­er education.

Degree: BS in Addic­tion Studies

Uni­ver­si­ty of Cen­tral Arkansas BS in Addic­tion Studies

11. Empire State College (SUNY)

Empire State Col­lege (SUNY) offers a BS in Addic­tion Stud­ies that ranks among the top addic­tion coun­sel­ing online degrees in New York. Empire State College’s degree in addic­tion coun­sel­ing online pro­gram requires degree can­di­dates to com­plete 124-semes­ter units and is approved by the NYS Depart of Edu­ca­tion. Class­es for this online addic­tions coun­sel­ing degree pro­gram from SUNY Empire State include inter­ven­tions for addic­tion dis­or­ders, advo­ca­cy in human ser­vices, cri­sis inter­ven­tion, addic­tions & depen­den­cy, and fam­i­ly inter­ven­tion, to name a few.

Empire State Col­lege is a mem­ber of New York’s SUNY sys­tem with near­ly three dozen loca­tions through­out the state. The col­lege cam­pus­es serve more than 10,250 stu­dents each year vying for the asso­ciate, bachelor’s, and master’s lev­el degrees offered.

What We Like: Ten cam­pus­es of ESC are locat­ed in the down­state area, with the bal­ance locat­ed in upstate and west­ern New York.

Degree: BS in Addic­tion Studies

Empire State Col­lege (SUNY) BS in Addic­tion Studies

12. Northwestern State University of Louisiana

North­west­ern State Uni­ver­si­ty of Louisiana’s Psy­chol­o­gy Depart­ment offers a Bach­e­lor of Sci­ence degree (BS) pro­gram in Addic­tion Stud­ies that is con­sid­ered among the top addic­tion coun­sel­ing online degrees in Louisiana. North­west­ern State University’s degree in addic­tion coun­sel­ing online pro­gram includes class­es like fam­i­ly dynam­ics, addic­tion coun­sel­ing skills, phar­ma­col­o­gy of addic­tions, and ethics for psychology/addiction, to name a few. Grad­u­ates of this online addic­tions coun­sel­ing degree pro­gram typ­i­cal­ly find reward­ing careers in human resources, clin­ics, schools, hos­pi­tals, and out­pa­tient ser­vice cen­ters, to name a few.

North­west­ern State Uni­ver­si­ty of Louisiana (North­west­ern State) was found­ed as a pub­lic school in the mid-1880s to train teach­ers for this part of the state. NSU now oper­ates as a space-grant school and a mem­ber of the state’s uni­ver­si­ty sys­tem with a stu­dent enroll­ment that exceeds 11,000.

What We Like: the North­west­ern State Uni­ver­si­ty of Louisiana is one of six schools that par­tic­i­pate in the Joint Ven­ture Pro­gram offered by NASA.

Degree: BS in Addic­tion Studies

North­west­ern State Uni­ver­si­ty BS in Addic­tion Studies

13. University of Maine at Augusta

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Maine at Augusta’s Depart­ment of Men­tal Health & Human Ser­vices offers a Bach­e­lor of Sci­ence degree (BS) pro­gram in Men­tal Health and Human Ser­vices with an aca­d­e­m­ic spe­cial­ty in addic­tions abuse that is con­sid­ered one of the most inno­v­a­tive addic­tion coun­sel­ing online degrees in New Eng­land. Stu­dents enrolled in UMA’s degree in addic­tion coun­sel­ing online pro­gram are required to fin­ish at least 121 under­grad­u­ate semes­ter units to meet UMA’s grad­u­a­tion require­ments. Class­es for UMA’s online addic­tions coun­sel­ing degree pro­gram include psy­choso­cial rehab, cri­sis inter­ven­tion, cul­tur­al com­pe­ten­cy, and assess­ment and plan­ning, to name a few.

The Augus­ta cam­pus @ the Uni­ver­si­ty of Maine at Augus­ta is a region­al mem­ber of the state’s uni­ver­si­ty sys­tem oper­at­ing dual cam­pus­es in Maine and a robust dis­tance-learn­ing option. The university’s cam­pus in Augus­ta is home to more than 5,900 students.

What We Like: The Uni­ver­si­ty of Maine at Augus­ta main­tains cam­pus­es through­out the state of Maine in nine oth­er locations.

Degree: Men­tal Health and Human Ser­vices BS — Sub­stance Abuse

Uni­ver­si­ty of Maine at Augus­ta Men­tal Health and Human Ser­vices BS — Sub­stance Abuse

14. Springfield College

Spring­field Col­lege offers a BS in Human Ser­vices with an aca­d­e­m­ic con­cen­tra­tion in Sub­stance Use Dis­or­der Coun­sel­ing that is con­sid­ered among the most inno­v­a­tive of Mass­a­chu­setts’ addic­tion coun­sel­ing online degrees. Class­es for SC’s degree in addic­tion coun­sel­ing online pro­gram include addic­tions coun­sel­ing, social & polit­i­cal issues in addic­tion, and sub­stance abuse ‑pre­ven­tion to treat­ment, to name a few. This Spring­field Col­lege online addic­tions coun­sel­ing degree pro­gram requires degree can­di­dates to com­plete 120-semes­ter units to meet SC’s grad­u­a­tion requirements.

Spring­field Col­lege was estab­lished in 1885 as a depart­ment of the local YMCA. Sev­er­al years lat­er, a stu­dent at Spring­field Col­lege invent­ed the game of bas­ket­ball. The school’s cam­pus in West­ern Mass­a­chu­setts is home to more than 3,610 under­grad­u­ate and grad­u­ate stu­dents each year.

What We Like: Spring­field Col­lege now oper­ates mul­ti­ple cam­pus­es in Boston, Texas, Wis­con­sin, Ver­mont, Delaware, and Florida.

Degree: Sub­stance Use Dis­or­der Counseling

Spring­field Col­lege BS in Human Services

Why Should I Get My Bachelor’s in Addiction or Substance Abuse Counseling Online?

Begin­ning with the first and most obvi­ous, these are a few of the rea­sons why peo­ple con­sid­er, pur­sue, and obtain an online sub­stance abuse coun­sel­ing degree or oth­er types and vari­a­tions of an online addic­tions coun­sel­ing degree.

  • Those with online addic­tions coun­sel­ing degrees from accred­it­ed and approved pro­grams and schools earn more
  • Online addic­tion coun­sel­ing degrees avail more employ­ment and career opportunities
  • Like any good sub­stance abuse coun­sel­ing degrees online or in the tra­di­tion­al set­ting, vital tools, and addic­tion recov­ery tech­niques that make a dif­fer­ence are taught
  • Get­ting an addic­tions coun­sel­ing degree online can save mon­ey and addi­tion­al expens­es (e.g. trav­el, food, etc)
  • An online addic­tions coun­sel­ing degree pro­vides more flex­i­bil­i­ty with class­es, tests, and assign­ments in addi­tion to being a more con­ve­nient method of learning

These are just a few ben­e­fits offered from an online degree in sub­stance abuse coun­sel­ing, but get­ting that online sub­stance abuse coun­sel­ing degree will require find­ing the right school or program.

How Do I Choose an Online Addiction or Substance Abuse Counseling Program?

Find­ing the best online reha­bil­i­ta­tion coun­sel­ing pro­grams will go a long way in help­ing to earn that degree. Find­ing the best online schools for addic­tion coun­sel­ing, how­ev­er, will require a lit­tle effort, a lit­tle thought, a lit­tle due dili­gence on behalf of the student.

One of the most impor­tant con­sid­er­a­tions when look­ing for the best online reha­bil­i­ta­tion coun­sel­ing pro­grams is to find those insti­tu­tions and pro­grams that are accred­it­ed, estab­lished, and that have a proven track record of grad­u­ate suc­cess. A great major­i­ty of this type of infor­ma­tion can be gleaned from web­sites, brochures, and even a chat­bot. Nar­row­ing down the search for the best online col­leges for sub­stance abuse coun­selor pro­grams will take some work, but it will prove to be time well spent.

Once the pool of choic­es for the best online col­leges for sub­stance abuse coun­selor pro­grams has been nar­rowed, it is time to inquire about the pro­gram details. Locat­ing the best online reha­bil­i­ta­tion coun­sel­ing pro­grams begins with find­ing good schools, but the pro­gram details may very well deter­mine which are the best online schools for addic­tion coun­sel­ing for your situation.

This means that the best online schools for addic­tion coun­sel­ing for some might offer evening class­es, while for oth­ers, that may even mean on-demand lessons or even sep­a­rate online tutor­ing options. Anoth­er uni­ver­sal con­cern is tuition costs and expens­es, along with finan­cial aid assis­tance and avail­abil­i­ty.
Get­ting that cov­et­ed and hard-earned degree is worth every effort and that includes tak­ing the time and ener­gy to find the best online reha­bil­i­ta­tion coun­sel­ing pro­grams and the right school for you.

Do I Need Certification to Be a Substance Abuse Counselor?

Typ­i­cal­ly, in order to be con­sid­ered a sub­stance abuse coun­selor a nation­al or state licens­ing or cer­ti­fi­ca­tion exam must be tak­en fol­low­ing the grad­u­a­tion from an approved and accred­it­ed pro­gram. That can look like a sub­stance abuse coun­selor cer­ti­fi­ca­tion online exam or more tra­di­tion­al exam set­tings, but it is a requirement.

In most cas­es, your pro­gram will assist with prepa­ra­tion and even tak­ing a sub­stance abuse coun­selor online cer­ti­fi­ca­tion test. Like tak­ing an exam at an insti­tu­tion or facil­i­ty, the online sub­stance abuse coun­selor cer­ti­fi­ca­tion is not only an impor­tant step in becom­ing an addic­tion coun­selor but a nec­es­sary and man­dat­ed one.

The sub­stance abuse coun­selor cer­ti­fi­ca­tion online exam is arguably the most impor­tant step in the process of becom­ing a sub­stance abuse coun­selor. That is also why it is impor­tant to pre­pare, study, and plan ahead before tak­ing the sub­stance abuse coun­selor online cer­ti­fi­ca­tion test.

That’s it, once a stu­dent has passed the online sub­stance abuse coun­selor cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, they are no longer a stu­dent but an offi­cial and rec­og­nized sub­stance abuse coun­selor. Good luck in all your future endeav­ors and in all of your aca­d­e­m­ic pursuits.

Relat­ed Rankings:

Best Bach­e­lor’s in Addic­tion Counseling

Fastest Online Bach­e­lor’s in Addic­tion Counseling

Most Afford­able Bach­e­lor’s in Addic­tion Counseling