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Key Infor­ma­tion:

  • New Jer­sey Insti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy has the #1 mul­ti­me­dia design bach­e­lor’s degree.
  • Bach­e­lor’s in mul­ti­me­dia design often com­bine var­i­ous fields such as graph­ic design, dig­i­tal media, and com­put­er ani­ma­tion.
  • Grad­u­ates can pur­sue diverse career paths in sec­tors like adver­tis­ing, enter­tain­ment, and web design due to their broad skill sets.
  • Cours­es are designed to keep up with the lat­est tech­nolo­gies and tools in mul­ti­me­dia design, ensur­ing grad­u­ates are industry-ready.

In the 21st cen­tu­ry, design­ers need to be able to do it all. That means there are sev­er­al rea­sons to earn a degree in mul­ti­me­dia design. Stu­dents who are extreme­ly cre­ative can find many ways to express them­selves when choos­ing this type of degree pro­gram. It is very diverse and allows the stu­dent to explore many dif­fer­ent types of media. Blend­ing dif­fer­ent types of media can result in a mul­ti­tude of oppor­tu­ni­ties, espe­cial­ly if the result is attrac­tive and draws atten­tion. Adver­tis­ing agen­cies and enter­tain­ment com­pa­nies are always look­ing for indi­vid­u­als who have new and inno­v­a­tive ideas.

Earn­ing a Bach­e­lor’s degree in mul­ti­me­dia design will allow a stu­dent to set his or her own career path. Once they find what they enjoy and are good at, the doors to oppor­tu­ni­ty will begin to open. With the right degree pro­gram, stu­dents can learn the skills they need to take advan­tage of the lucra­tive oppor­tu­ni­ties that may come their way. Stu­dents who have unique ideas and skills to match are high­ly sought after and can often­times set their own salary. This is espe­cial­ly true in the gam­ing industry.

Methodology: Ranking the Best Multimedia Design Degrees

To rank the best bachelor’s degree in mul­ti­me­dia design pro­grams, Bachelor’s Degree Cen­ter edi­tors look for accred­it­ed, rep­utable insti­tu­tions offer­ing the best oppor­tu­ni­ties for design pro­fes­sion­als. Pro­grams are ranked by legit­i­mate data from IPEDS and Niche, includ­ing tuition rate, stu­dent sat­is­fac­tion, and poten­tial salary.

1. New Jersey Institute of Technology

The Bach­e­lor of Arts in Dig­i­tal Design from the New Jer­sey Insti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy pre­pares stu­dents to suc­cess­ful­ly apply dig­i­tal design to every indus­try. A four-year pro­gram, stu­dents seek­ing a degree in mul­ti­me­dia design begin work­ing hands-on with design, graph­ics, art his­to­ry, col­or the­o­ry and gen­er­al edu­ca­tion cours­es to build a strong foun­da­tion. Every sub­se­quent year builds on the oth­er. Stu­dents with mul­ti­me­dia design degrees find lucra­tive careers all over the world.

The New Jer­sey Insti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy Hilli­er Col­lege of Archi­tec­ture and Design (HCAD) has been around for over thir­ty-five years. The Insti­tute pro­vides mer­it-based schol­ar­ships from the uni­ver­si­ty, state of New Jer­sey, and from cor­po­ra­tions and pri­vate donors. To be eli­gi­ble for these schol­ar­ships, stu­dents must be enrolled full-time.

What We Like: NJIT is a land, sea, and space-grant college.

Degree: BA in Dig­i­tal Design

BA in Dig­i­tal Design — New Jer­sey Insti­tute of Technology

2. New England Institute of Technology

The Bach­e­lor of Sci­ence in Graph­ics Mul­ti­me­dia and Web Design from the New Eng­land Insti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy focus­es on help­ing stu­dents pre­pare for a reward­ing career in this field. This degree in mul­ti­me­dia design pro­vides foun­da­tion­al mate­r­i­al in web video, SEO, logo design, ani­ma­tion, web con­tent man­age­ment, ePub­lish­ing, brand­ing and the mar­ket­ing of social media. Uti­lize the pow­er of mul­ti­me­dia design degrees to help you move up the lad­der of success.

Stu­dents receive study infor­ma­tion via mobile devices and ePub con­tent deliv­ery. Upon grad­u­a­tion, stu­dents are giv­en mul­ti­ple oppor­tu­ni­ties to net­work and find gain­ful employ­ment through their alum­ni com­mu­ni­ty and career ser­vices. Finan­cial aid is avail­able, as well as insti­tu­tion­al mer­it schol­ar­ships based on var­ied criteria.

What We Like: Schol­ar­ships include the Pres­i­den­tial Schol­ar­ship, Skills USA Schol­ar­ship, Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Schol­ar­ship, First Robot­ics Tech Chal­lenge Schol­ar­ship and others.

Degree: BS in Graph­ics Mul­ti­me­dia and Web Design

BS in Graph­ics Mul­ti­me­dia and Web Design — New Eng­land Insti­tute of Technology

3. Tulane University

The Bach­e­lor of Arts in Dig­i­tal Design from Tulane Uni­ver­si­ty is offered in the School of Pro­fes­sion­al Advance­ment. This pro­gram com­bines inter­ac­tive and graph­ic design, giv­ing stu­dents a work-ready foun­da­tion to enhance or fur­ther their careers. This is a 120-hour pro­gram that has three dif­fer­ent tracks. Stu­dents are able to focus on Game Art & Ani­ma­tion, Graph­ic Design, or Inter­ac­tive Design. After ini­tial course­work, stu­dents go through a for­mal review process to con­tin­ue their course­work. This degree in mul­ti­me­dia design cre­ates oppor­tu­ni­ties for years to come.

The uni­ver­si­ty has been in exis­tence since 1834, begin­ning as a med­ical col­lege. They are accred­it­ed by the Com­mis­sion on Col­leges of the South­ern Asso­ci­a­tion of Col­leges and Schools.

What We Like: Tulane is cur­rent­ly one of 62 mem­bers of the Asso­ci­a­tion of Amer­i­can Uni­ver­si­ties, an elite group of top research institutions.

Degree: BA in Dig­i­tal Design

BA in Dig­i­tal Design — Tulane University

4. Seton Hall University

The Bach­e­lor of Arts in Art, Design and Inter­ac­tive Mul­ti­me­dia from Seton Hall Uni­ver­si­ty pre­pares stu­dents for a reward­ing career in design. There are three tracks to choose from: Graph­ic Design and Adver­tis­ing, Inter­ac­tive Design and Mul­ti­me­dia, and Fine and Dig­i­tal Art. Their cur­ricu­lum is chal­leng­ing, taught by indus­try pro­fes­sion­als who fol­low cur­rent trends. Stu­dents pur­su­ing mul­ti­me­dia design degrees will be ready for the glob­al market.

The cur­ricu­lum teach­es games design, UX, social design, and design­ing for web and mobile. Stu­dents are giv­en intern­ship oppor­tu­ni­ties that help them land viable posi­tions. Found­ed in 1856, Seton Hall is a Catholic university.

What We Like: Stu­dents are exposed to Catholic val­ues which help pro­mote the views of the Uni­ver­si­ty and the Catholic faith.

Degree: BA in Art, Design and Inter­ac­tive Multimedia

BA in Art, Design and Inter­ac­tive Mul­ti­me­dia — Seton Hall University

5. Duquesne University

The under­grad­u­ate pro­gram in Dig­i­tal Media Arts in Mul­ti­me­dia from Duquesne Uni­ver­si­ty was designed to enhance crit­i­cal think­ing while pro­mot­ing design, inter­ac­tiv­i­ty, visu­al com­mu­ni­ca­tion and infor­ma­tion man­age­ment using tech­nol­o­gy. Stu­dents pur­su­ing the mul­ti­me­dia con­cen­tra­tion must com­plete 36 cred­it hours, with 12 cred­its of depart­men­tal core cours­es. A degree in mul­ti­me­dia design paves the way for the future.

Duquesne Uni­ver­si­ty is one of the top Catholic uni­ver­si­ties in the nation, found­ed 140 years ago. The uni­ver­si­ty was ranked No. 16 in The Chron­i­cle of High­er Edu­ca­tion among small research universities.

What We Like: Duquesne is the only Spir­i­tan insti­tu­tion of high­er edu­ca­tion in the Unit­ed States, and was also ranked No. 51 over­all in Best Val­ue Schools by U.S. News and World Report.

Degree: Dig­i­tal Media Arts — Multimedia

Dig­i­tal Media Arts in Mul­ti­me­dia — Duquesne University

6. Creighton University

The Bach­e­lor of Arts in Graph­ic Design and Media from Creighton Uni­ver­si­ty pre­pares stu­dents for a great foun­da­tion in all aspects of this field. Stu­dents have two spe­cial­iza­tions: Mul­ti­me­dia and Film­mak­ing or Graph­ic Design. Stu­dents with mul­ti­me­dia degrees can cre­ate their own destiny.

Intern­ships for stu­dents are avail­able on and off-cam­pus. Creighton Uni­ver­si­ty is in the top third of col­lege rank­ings for Nation­al Uni­ver­si­ties accord­ing to U.S. News & World Report. The uni­ver­si­ty is also well known for pro­duc­ing high­ly com­pe­tent glob­al citizens.

What We Like: The Creighton Uni­ver­si­ty pro­gram pro­vides strong writ­ing and ana­lyt­i­cal skills that can make stu­dents high­ly competitive.

Degree: BA in Graph­ic Design and Media

BA in Graph­ic Design and Media — Creighton University

7. University of Wisconsin-Stout

The Bach­e­lors of Fine Arts in Graph­ic Design and Inter­ac­tive Media at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wis­con­sin-Stout gives stu­dents hands-on expe­ri­ences. This pro­gram cre­ates mul­ti­ple career oppor­tu­ni­ties for stu­dents in a num­ber of indus­tries at major cor­po­ra­tions. Stu­dents with a degree in mul­ti­me­dia design are also well-equipped to start their own busi­ness­es as con­sul­tants and designers.

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Wis­con­sin-Stout is the first insti­tu­tion of high­er edu­ca­tion to receive the Mal­colm Baldrige Award. An insti­tu­tion with a glob­al rep­u­ta­tion for pro­vid­ing growth oppor­tu­ni­ties to move the indus­try for­ward, this pro­gram pro­duces stu­dents ready to step into lucra­tive careers.

What We Like: UW Stout is a spe­cial-mis­sion uni­ver­si­ty, the only pub­lic poly­tech­nic insti­tute in Wisconsin.

Degree: BFA in Graph­ic Design and Inter­ac­tive Media

BFA Graph­ic Design and Inter­ac­tive Media — Uni­ver­si­ty of Wisconsin-Stout

8. University of Nebraska at Kearney

The Bach­e­lor of Sci­ence in Mul­ti­me­dia at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Nebras­ka at Kear­ney is a pro­gram cen­tered in the Com­mu­ni­ca­tions depart­ment. Stu­dents will learn all the essen­tial ele­ments of mul­ti­me­dia to enhance their cur­rent knowl­edge and fur­ther their goals of work­ing with­in the indus­try. This Bach­e­lor of Sci­ence pro­gram focus­es on appli­ca­tions and com­mu­ni­ca­tion course­work for a well-round­ed grad­u­ate. Stu­dents with mul­ti­me­dia design degrees are suc­cess­ful and thriv­ing in today’s market.

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Nebras­ka at Kear­ney is accred­it­ed by the High­er Learn­ing Com­mis­sion (HLD) and the Coun­cil for the Accred­i­ta­tion of Edu­ca­tor Prepa­ra­tion (CAEP).

What We Like: In addi­tion to its excep­tion­al on-cam­pus pro­grams, Kear­ney has also become a nation­al leader in online education.

Degree: BS in Multimedia

BS in Mul­ti­me­dia — Uni­ver­si­ty of Nebras­ka at Kearney

9. Bellarmine University

The Design, Arts and Tech­nol­o­gy degree from Bel­larmine Uni­ver­si­ty works to pre­pare stu­dents for careers in the mul­ti­me­dia design field and its chal­lenges. Aimed to make stu­dents as mar­ketable as pos­si­ble, this pro­gram should be paired with a pri­ma­ry major and used as a sup­ple­ment to strength­en com­pet­i­tive­ness. Stu­dents pur­su­ing a degree in mul­ti­me­dia design paired with a com­ple­men­tary major thrive in the industry.

Bel­larmine Uni­ver­si­ty is accred­it­ed by the South­ern Asso­ci­a­tion of Col­leges and Schools Com­mis­sion on Col­leges. The uni­ver­si­ty was also rec­og­nized as one of the top 200 in best nation­al uni­ver­si­ties by U.S. News & World Report.

What We Like: Stu­dents enjoy an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary cur­ricu­lum from pro­fes­sion­als in the field.

Degree: Design, Arts and Technology

Design, Arts and Tech­nol­o­gy — Bel­larmine University

10. Park University

The Bach­e­lor of Fine Arts in Graph­ic Design from Park Uni­ver­si­ty pairs print and dig­i­tal design for an enriched expe­ri­ence. Stu­dents com­plete rig­or­ous course­work focus­ing on soft­ware and tech­niques and graph­ic design con­cepts with the cul­mi­na­tion of a com­pet­i­tive port­fo­lio to posi­tion them in the glob­al mar­ket. Stu­dents pur­su­ing mul­ti­me­dia design degrees often have a com­pet­i­tive advan­tage in the marketplace.

Park Uni­ver­si­ty has been in exis­tence since 1875 and is accred­it­ed by the High­er Learn­ing Com­mis­sion. Ranked No. 10 in the nation for the qual­i­ty of its online pro­gram, No. 2 among pri­vate col­leges and uni­ver­si­ties and No. 2 on the Most Afford­able Online Col­leges. It is also ranked 7th most afford­able pri­vate col­lege and uni­ver­si­ty in the nation and first in the Mid­west for tuition and fees accord­ing to U.S. News and World Report.

What We Like: Park is rec­og­nized for one of the high­est ROI rat­ings of any US college.

Degree: BFA in Graph­ic Design

BFA in Graph­ic Design — Park University

11. Tarleton State University

The Bach­e­lor of Sci­ence in Dig­i­tal Media Stud­ies at Tar­leton State Uni­ver­si­ty pre­pares stu­dents for suc­cess in the dig­i­tal design field. Using an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary approach, stu­dents learn all the skills need­ed to excel in mul­ti­me­dia and inter­ac­tive design, game and appli­ca­tion design, dig­i­tal graph­ics, elec­tron­ic busi­ness and mar­ket­ing and e‑marketing. The degree in mul­ti­me­dia design allows stu­dents to be com­pet­i­tive and work in lucra­tive careers.

Tar­leton State Uni­ver­si­ty pro­vides mul­ti­ple oppor­tu­ni­ties for dig­i­tal media stud­ies majors in diverse jobs. The Uni­ver­si­ty is a mem­ber of the Texas A&M Uni­ver­si­ty Sys­tem and is accred­it­ed by the South­ern Asso­ci­a­tion of Col­leges and Schools Com­mis­sion on Col­lege. The Col­lege of Busi­ness is also accred­it­ed by the Accred­i­ta­tion Coun­cil for Busi­ness Schools and Pro­grams (ACBSP).

What We Like: With two tracks to choose from, stu­dents have the option to focus on Mul­ti­me­dia Pro­duc­tion and Video Game Design.

Degree: BS in Dig­i­tal Media Studies

BS in Dig­i­tal Media Stud­ies — Tar­leton State University

12. Thomas More University

The degree in Mul­ti­me­dia Design from Thomas More Uni­ver­si­ty pro­vides a foun­da­tion for stu­dents in inter­ac­tive design, motion graph­ics, and ani­ma­tion. Train­ing on state-of-the-art equip­ment, as well as teach­ings from pro­fes­sors cur­rent­ly in the indus­try make a sig­nif­i­cant dif­fer­ence for stu­dents who are pur­su­ing mul­ti­me­dia degrees to set them­selves up for a career in this area. With a two-dimen­sion­al design approach, stu­dents learn UX design, social media design, ani­ma­tion, web design, ani­ma­tion and oth­er top­ics nec­es­sary to be suc­cess­ful. This program’s degree in mul­ti­me­dia design helps grad­u­ates acquire com­pet­i­tive posi­tions with­in the industry.

Thomas More Uni­ver­si­ty is ranked as one of the best region­al uni­ver­si­ties in the South and ranks high­est among oth­er pri­vate and pub­lic col­leges and uni­ver­si­ties accord­ing to U.S. News and World Report. The uni­ver­si­ty is also accred­it­ed by the South­ern Asso­ci­a­tion of Col­leges and Schools Com­mis­sion on Colleges.

What We Like: TMU began as a wom­en’s col­lege, Vil­la Madon­na Col­lege, paired with a men’s col­lege named for Thomas More.

Degree: Mul­ti­me­dia Design

Mul­ti­me­dia Design — Thomas More University

13. Fordham University

The New Media and Dig­i­tal Design pro­gram at Ford­ham Uni­ver­si­ty ensures stu­dents are well pre­pared to cre­ate, lead and suc­ceed in any capac­i­ty as it relates to dig­i­tal tech­nol­o­gy. This is an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary pro­gram help­ing stu­dents under­stand cul­tur­al, aes­thet­ic, and eco­nom­i­cal areas of design the­o­ry and prac­tice in this dig­i­tal age. Stu­dents pur­su­ing mul­ti­me­dia degrees will receive train­ing from pro­fes­sion­al fac­ul­ty in the fields of video and mul­ti­me­dia sto­ry­telling, dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion, dig­i­tal busi­ness strat­e­gy and devel­op­ment, and more.

The uni­ver­si­ty is accred­it­ed by Mid­dle States and was ranked #66 in Nation­al Uni­ver­si­ties by U.S. News & World Report.

What We Like: There are three tracks to con­sid­er: New Media and Infor­ma­tion, Art, Text and Design, and New Media and Commerce.

Degree: New Media and Dig­i­tal Design

New Media and Dig­i­tal Design — Ford­ham University

14. Marist College

The Bach­e­lor of Sci­ence in Dig­i­tal Media at Marist Col­lege gives stu­dents an oppor­tu­ni­ty to freely explore all the pos­si­bil­i­ties of this degree. Stu­dents are taught by work­ing edu­ca­tors, design­ers and artists. The course­work has three major tracks: Graph­ic Design, Ani­ma­tion, and Dig­i­tal Arts but has the flex­i­bil­i­ty to allow broad­er-based edu­ca­tion and train­ing. Stu­dents in the pro­gram pur­su­ing mul­ti­me­dia design degrees gain a com­pet­i­tive advan­tage in the market.

Marist Col­lege is accred­it­ed by the Mid­dle States Com­mis­sion on High­er Education.

What We Like: Marist Col­lege has a sis­ter cam­pus in Flo­rence, Italy and offers exten­sive study-abroad opportunities.

Degree: BS in Dig­i­tal Media

Bach­e­lor of Sci­ence in Dig­i­tal Media — Marist College

15. University of St. Thomas

The Bach­e­lor of Arts in Dig­i­tal Media Arts by the Uni­ver­si­ty of St. Thomas is designed to build the foun­da­tion­al capac­i­ty to pre­pare stu­dents for careers with­in the dig­i­tal media field. Stu­dents learn mul­ti­ple dis­ci­plines to cre­ate a well-round­ed grad­u­ate ready to per­form in a num­ber of roles in the dig­i­tal media space. Stu­dents may also con­cen­trate on media design or pro­duc­tion. This pro­gram is a four-year plan prepar­ing stu­dents for careers in tele­vi­sion and com­put­er-based audio­vi­su­al media, film, sound design­ers, screen­writ­ers and more.

The Uni­ver­si­ty of St. Thomas is accred­it­ed by the High­er Learn­ing Commission.

What We Like: The Uni­ver­si­ty of St. Thomas is Min­neso­ta’s largest pri­vate university.

Degree: BA in Dig­i­tal Media Arts

BA Dig­i­tal Media Arts — Uni­ver­si­ty of St. Thomas

16. Wright State University

The Bach­e­lor of Tech­ni­cal and Applied Stud­ies in Mul­ti­me­dia Design from Wright State Uni­ver­si­ty pro­vides stu­dents with the knowl­edge, skills and foun­da­tion for careers in this field. An inter­dis­ci­pli­nary pro­gram, the course­work inte­grates the tech­ni­cal and pro­fes­sion­al skills nec­es­sary for suc­cess in this indus­try to work in a vari­ety of fields and oper­ate as a leader. Stu­dents pur­su­ing mul­ti­me­dia degrees of this nature will be able to glob­al­ly com­pete for in-demand posi­tions with­in the industry.

Wright State Uni­ver­si­ty is accred­it­ed by the High­er Learn­ing Com­mis­sion, with the BSCS named among the best in the nation by U.S. News & World Report.

What We Like: Wright State Uni­ver­si­ty is named for local heroes, the Wright Brothers.

Degree: BTAS in Mul­ti­me­dia Design

Bach­e­lor of Tech­ni­cal and Applied Stud­ies in Mul­ti­me­dia Design — Wright State University

17. Queens University of Charlotte

The Bach­e­lor of Arts in Graph­ic Design from Queens Uni­ver­si­ty of Char­lotte teach­es stu­dents how to pro­duce high-impact visu­al con­tent to sup­port the demands of 21st-cen­tu­ry design. Course­work takes stu­dents through inter­ac­tive, print, ani­ma­tion and UX/UI in order to main­tain com­pet­i­tive­ness for a suc­cess­ful career, but to be assertive enough to carve their own lane. This pro­gram also has a study abroad com­po­nent and pro­fes­sors who cur­rent­ly work in the indus­try. Indi­vid­u­als with mul­ti­me­dia degrees make things happen.

Queens Uni­ver­si­ty of Char­lotte is accred­it­ed by the South­ern Asso­ci­a­tion of Col­leges and Schools Com­mis­sion on Col­leges and has two Pulitzer Prize final­ists, two MacArthur Genius Award Fel­lows, a Ful­bright Schol­ar and North Carolina’s Poet Lau­re­ate as part of the faculty.

What We Like: Queens ranks #13 over­all among Region­al Uni­ver­si­ties of the South by U.S. News & World Report for 2021.

Degree: BA in Graph­ic Design

BA in Graph­ic Design from Queens Uni­ver­si­ty of Charlotte

18. California University of Pennsylvania

The Bach­e­lor of Sci­ence in Dig­i­tal Media Tech­nol­o­gy at the Cal­i­for­nia Uni­ver­si­ty of Penn­syl­va­nia pre­pares stu­dents to not only design, but deliv­er visu­al and print­ed con­tent through web­sites, motion graph­ics, dig­i­tal ani­ma­tion, videogames and video. With an intent to keep stu­dents com­pet­i­tive in the diverse and grow­ing indus­try of dig­i­tal media, this accred­it­ed pro­gram offers tech­ni­cal, hands-on cours­es for a strong foun­da­tion­al knowl­edge to sup­port the industry’s demand for indi­vid­u­als to have a degree in mul­ti­me­dia design.

This pro­gram is one of 13 in the coun­try with nation­al accred­i­ta­tion for graph­ics from the Accred­it­ing Coun­cil for Col­le­giate Graph­ic Com­mu­ni­ca­tions (ACCGC). Stu­dents learn from the lat­est design hard­ware, soft­ware and fac­ul­ty who work and teach with real-world scenarios.

What We Like: Cal­i­for­nia Uni­ver­si­ty got its unusu­al name from its home­town of Cal­i­for­nia, PA — found­ed in the same year as the 1849 Gold Rush.

Degree: BS in Dig­i­tal Media Technology

BS in Dig­i­tal Media Tech­nol­o­gy — Cal­i­for­nia Uni­ver­si­ty of Pennsylvania

19. Liberty University

The Bach­e­lor of Sci­ence Stu­dio & Dig­i­tal Arts: Graph­ic Design at Lib­er­ty Uni­ver­si­ty helps stu­dents gain an under­stand­ing of the tech­niques and expec­ta­tions in crit­i­cal and con­cep­tu­al think­ing and how to effec­tive­ly prob­lem solve with­in the indus­try. The pro­gram is designed to inte­grate a Chris­t­ian world­view with best prac­tices and suc­cess­ful­ly pre­pare to net­work and acquire lucra­tive roles in dig­i­tal media. Stu­dents with mul­ti­me­dia degrees get jobs with major cor­po­ra­tions and networks.

Lib­er­ty Uni­ver­si­ty is accred­it­ed by the South­ern Asso­ci­a­tion of Col­leges and Schools Com­mis­sion on Col­leges along with con­tin­ued demand for the pro­gram sur­pass­ing ini­tial indicators.

What We Like: Lib­er­ty claims the largest stu­dent body of any Chris­t­ian college.

Degree: B.S. in Stu­dio & Dig­i­tal Arts: Graph­ic Design

BS Stu­dio & Dig­i­tal Arts: Graph­ic Design — Lib­er­ty University

20. Point Park University

The Bach­e­lor of Arts in Mul­ti­me­dia at Point Park Uni­ver­si­ty helps encour­age stu­dents who love tech­nol­o­gy learn new tech­nolo­gies and the strate­gies of sto­ry­telling to infuse into dig­i­tal pho­tog­ra­phy, graph­ic and web design and audio and video. There are two dif­fer­ent con­cen­tra­tions avail­able: Graph­ic Design and Mul­ti­me­dia. Both of these majors pro­vide an over­all foun­da­tion to build a suc­cess­ful career. In graph­ic design, stu­dents learn the aes­thet­ic com­po­nents of dig­i­tal media, while in the mul­ti­me­dia con­cen­tra­tion, stu­dents learn social media, radio pro­duc­tion, report­ing and web publishing.

Point Park Uni­ver­si­ty is accred­it­ed by the Mid­dle States Com­mis­sion on High­er Edu­ca­tion. The Uni­ver­si­ty con­tin­u­ous­ly ranks high­ly for their num­ber of pro­grams and edu­ca­tion offered.

What We Like: Point Park’s career-focused pro­gram also encour­ages stu­dents to join nation­al soci­eties and work with the print or web ver­sions of their stu­dent media for addi­tion­al exposure.

Degree: BA in Multimedia

BA in Mul­ti­me­dia at Point Park University

21. Wilmington College

The Bach­e­lor of Arts in Mul­ti­me­dia Stud­ies from Wilm­ing­ton Col­lege is part of a part­ner­ship with Cincin­nati State Tech­ni­cal and Com­mu­ni­ty Col­lege, open­ing the doors for stu­dents pur­su­ing a degree in mul­ti­me­dia design. This pro­gram pre­pares stu­dents for suc­cess­ful careers in the mul­ti­me­dia design field, keep­ing track with cur­rent pace and changes with­in the indus­try. An expan­sion on the Audio/Visual Pro­duc­tion, Graph­ic Design, and Web & Mul­ti­me­dia Design com­po­nents, stu­dents are giv­en oppor­tu­ni­ties for hands-on inter­ac­tion to build their ini­tial skills that grow leaders.

Wilm­ing­ton Col­lege is accred­it­ed by The High­er Learn­ing Com­mis­sion and is ranked 13th in the entire 11-state Mid­west region for Social Mobil­i­ty in the Mid­west accord­ing to U.S. News & World Report.

What We Like: The Wilm­ing­ton Col­lege Peace Resource Cen­ter is an influ­en­tial voice in the glob­al move­ment for peace and justice.

Degree: BA in Mul­ti­me­dia Studies

BA in Mul­ti­me­dia Stud­ies from Wilm­ing­ton College

22. Long Island University

The Bach­e­lor of Fine Art in Dig­i­tal Art and Design from Long Island Uni­ver­si­ty is designed to accom­mo­date stu­dents pur­su­ing suc­cess­ful careers in mul­ti­me­dia. Stu­dents grad­u­ate well-versed on all aspects of this indus­try, equipped with the tools and cre­ative skills to become design­ers. There is a manda­to­ry intern­ship course require­ment pri­or to grad­u­a­tion to pro­vide hands-on expe­ri­ence and a deep­er look into con­sid­er­ing get­ting a mul­ti­me­dia degree.

Senior year, stu­dents must cre­ate tra­di­tion­al and inter­ac­tive port­fo­lios, fur­ther enhanc­ing their capa­bil­i­ties and mar­ketabil­i­ty on a glob­al basis. Long Island Uni­ver­si­ty is accred­it­ed by the Mid­dle States Com­mis­sion on High­er Education.

What We Like: Stu­dents are able to explore a range of soft­ware and media, as well as intern­ing with major cor­po­ra­tions that help solid­i­fy their role in the industry.

Degree: B.F.A. in Dig­i­tal Art and Design

BFA in Dig­i­tal Art and Design — Long Island University

23. Springfield College

The Bach­e­lor of Sci­ence in Dig­i­tal, Web and Mul­ti­me­dia Design from Spring­field Col­lege suc­cess­ful­ly pre­pares stu­dents for a world in the mul­ti­me­dia indus­try. Stu­dents matric­u­late from this pro­gram as expe­ri­enced design­ers learn­ing the cre­ative, tech­no­log­i­cal, dig­i­tal, web and mul­ti­me­dia aspects of the indus­try. A career path in this field will have a great foun­da­tion. Stu­dents learn video game design, ani­ma­tion and FX, adver­tis­ing, web design, how to lead and oper­ate in busi­ness, com­mu­ni­ca­tion, graph­ic design and sci­en­tif­ic and med­ical simulation.

Stu­dents are able to spend a semes­ter at the Gno­mon School of Visu­al Effects, gain­ing valu­able hands-on expe­ri­ence for the same cost as being an on-cam­pus student.

What We Like: Stu­dents grad­u­ate with a strong port­fo­lio and the knowl­edge, skills and abil­i­ties need­ed to adapt to an ever­chang­ing envi­ron­ment in dig­i­tal media.

Degree: BS in Dig­i­tal, Web and Mul­ti­me­dia Design

BS in Dig­i­tal, Web and Mul­ti­me­dia Design from Spring­field College

24. University of Hartford

The Bach­e­lor of Arts in Mul­ti­me­dia Web Design and Devel­op­ment from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hart­ford direct­ly preps stu­dents for a suc­cess­ful career in mul­ti­me­dia design. Stu­dents are imme­di­ate­ly immersed in the foun­da­tion­al knowl­edge need­ed to build and design web­sites, cre­ate motion graph­ics, ani­ma­tions and games. Stu­dents are also giv­en foun­da­tion­al knowl­edge from a busi­ness per­spec­tive in order to free­lance or oper­ate as a con­sul­tant. Stu­dents grad­u­at­ing from this pro­gram with mul­ti­me­dia degrees have become game and web devel­op­ers, graph­ic design­ers, mobile app devel­op­ers, net­work admin­is­tra­tors, inter­net mar­keters and more.

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Hart­ford was found­ed in 1957 by the join­ing of three small­er Har­ford-area schools. UH is an inte­gral part of the com­mu­ni­ty, host­ing two mag­net schools on its campus

What We Like: This pro­gram is very flex­i­ble, allow­ing stu­dents to have elec­tives of their choice to fur­ther enhance their skill set for the busi­ness world.

Degree: BA in Mul­ti­me­dia Web Design and Development

25. Full Sail University

The BS in Dig­i­tal Arts and Design from Full Sail Uni­ver­si­ty pre­pares stu­dents for a wide range of career direc­tions or high­er degrees. Stu­dents receive instruc­tion in both 2D and 3D art, motion graph­ics, cur­rent soft­ware, and design. Full Sail’s cours­es are taught by expe­ri­enced prac­ti­tion­ers bring­ing their full knowl­edge to dig­i­tal art. Best of all, stu­dents who already have their foun­da­tion­al cours­es can com­plete the on-cam­pus degree in only 20 months.

Full Sail Uni­ver­si­ty is a ful­ly accred­it­ed, for-prof­it uni­ver­si­ty spe­cial­iz­ing in all of the ele­ments that make a mul­ti­me­dia design and art career pos­si­ble. The uni­ver­si­ty is known for its uncon­ven­tion­al and extreme­ly hands-on approach to education.

What We Like: Full Sail began, quite unique­ly, as a record­ing stu­dio, and is a leader in audio, media, and business.

Degree: BS in Dig­i­tal Arts & Design

BS in Dig­i­tal Arts and Design — Full Sail University

What Is Multimedia Design All About?

Mul­ti­me­dia design is one of the fastest-grow­ing and incred­i­bly diverse indus­tries in the world. Media is what dri­ves the world of com­mu­ni­ca­tion. It includes the fun­da­men­tals of graph­ics, con­tent, sound tech­nol­o­gy, video, pho­tog­ra­phy, and any oth­er type of online video or audio con­tent you can think of. Mul­ti­me­dia design brings all of those forms of media togeth­er in an envi­ron­ment where amaz­ing things can be pro­duced. If it can be thought, of some­one in the mul­ti­me­dia design indus­try can come up with a way to cre­ate it.

Mul­ti­me­dia design plays a role in many dif­fer­ent indus­tries. In the enter­tain­ment indus­try, it is used for music videos, to cre­ate video/online games, sound effects, and any type of audio/visual spec­ta­cle you can think of. In jour­nal­ism and com­mu­ni­ca­tion, it is used to relay infor­ma­tion, con­duct inter­views, and to reach mas­sive audi­ences. When it comes to mar­ket­ing and adver­tis­ing, it is used to cre­ate ban­ners, ads, cam­paign strate­gies, dig­i­tal bill­boards, and com­mer­cials of every kind.

Stu­dents with a Bachelor’s in mul­ti­me­dia design can also find work in the com­mu­ni­ca­tion and jour­nal­ism fields. Being able to effec­tive­ly com­mu­ni­cate using mul­ti­ple forms of media is one of the best ways to move up the lad­der and advance your career. Hav­ing the right degree pro­gram is your tick­et to high­er wages and a long-last­ing career that you can be proud of. With today’s tech­nol­o­gy and the right mul­ti­me­dia design degree, many stu­dents are being able to choose their career path and set goals that may not have been pos­si­ble in the past.

Indi­vid­u­als who choose to pur­sue a career in mul­ti­me­dia design are cre­ative, insight­ful, and inno­v­a­tive. They tend to visu­al­ize con­cepts and look for ways to make things hap­pen. In today’s tech­no­log­i­cal­ly advanced world, almost noth­ing is impos­si­ble. Design­ers can choose to work for a com­pa­ny or they can start off on their own and work with a vari­ety of agen­cies. With the right mul­ti­me­dia design degree and the right tools, the world can be their office. There are very few lim­its on mul­ti­me­dia design and how it can impact the world around us.

Is Multimedia Design a Good Career?

Mul­ti­me­dia design is one of the most lucra­tive and excit­ing careers avail­able for indi­vid­u­als who have the tal­ent and the skill to be able to con­sis­tent­ly cre­ate unique and atten­tion-grab­bing projects. Being able to cre­ate the graph­ics and imagery of a video game, web­site, music vide, ani­mat­ed pro­duc­tion, or any oth­er type of mul­ti­me­dia project is not some­thing every­body can do. With the right mul­ti­me­dia design degree pro­gram, stu­dents can explore their world and cre­ate the envi­ron­ment they want to live in. Choos­ing an online pro­gram allows them to start work­ing toward their goals before grad­u­a­tion. They are able to begin work in entry-lev­el posi­tions right after enter­ing college.

Mul­ti­me­dia design opens the door to many dif­fer­ent types of oppor­tu­ni­ty. Grad­u­ates can choose to work inde­pen­dent­ly allow­ing them to con­nect with agen­cies, com­pa­nies, or oth­er indi­vid­u­als. If they don’t want to start out on their own, they can find work with com­pa­nies that spe­cial­ize in mar­ket­ing, enter­tain­ment, com­mu­ni­ca­tion, or jour­nal­ism. They can lit­er­al­ly choose from hun­dreds of dif­fer­ent careers, each one hav­ing its own unique set of ben­e­fits. Work­ing as part of a col­lec­tive group gives the stu­dent a chance to learn from the expe­ri­ences of others.

With tech­nolo­gies rapid rate of advance­ment, stu­dents are able to do more than they ever thought pos­si­ble. They can explore their imag­i­na­tion and be as cre­ative as they want. The more inno­v­a­tive and insight­ful they are, the more suc­cess­ful they will be. Every stu­dent has their own set of goals. When enter­ing the field of mul­ti­me­dia design, those goals will be their guide to a very suc­cess­ful and pro­duc­tive future.

The Bureau of Labor Sta­tis­tics sees growth poten­tial in career options like spe­cial effects, video pro­duc­tion, and video edit­ing. Learn­ing the tech­ni­cal skills of mul­ti­me­dia artists may include infor­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy and lib­er­al arts at the same time.

Relat­ed Rankings:

15 Best Online Bach­e­lor’s in Mul­ti­me­dia Design

10 Fastest Online Bach­e­lor’s in Mul­ti­me­dia Design

10 Most Afford­able Bach­e­lor’s in Mul­ti­me­dia Design