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The best aca­d­e­m­ic pro­gram is always going to be the one that fits your needs, whether those are finan­cial, pro­fes­sion­al, or oth­er­wise. With that said, there are some pro­grams that dis­play exem­plary qual­i­ty. Some fac­tors that con­tribute to deter­min­ing the qual­i­ty of a pro­gram include afford­abil­i­ty, flex­i­bil­i­ty, rep­u­ta­tion, and stu­dent-to-fac­ul­ty ratio. Based on those fac­tors, you can get a good look at what some of the best under­grad­u­ate data sci­ence pro­grams are. One of them is the Bach­e­lor of Sci­ence in Data Ana­lyt­ics degree at South­ern New Hamp­shire University.

A great data sci­ence degree is going to pro­vide you with a well-round­ed edu­ca­tion and span sev­er­al sub­jects because data sci­ence is a boom­ing field that requires every­one with­in to remain on the cut­ting edge to be suc­cess­ful. If you aspire to be a pro­fes­sion­al who can ana­lyze, orga­nize, and man­age the expanse of data float­ing around the web, this is the degree for you. Data sci­ence is a high­ly lucra­tive field!

South­ern New Hamp­shire Uni­ver­si­ty is one of the lead­ing online schools based on the vol­ume of degree pro­grams that it offers and the afford­abil­i­ty. The Bach­e­lor of Sci­ence in Data Ana­lyt­ics degree at SNHU costs only $320 per cred­it and boasts a stu­dent to fac­ul­ty ratio of 13:1. Cours­es will pro­vide stu­dents with a strong back­ground in com­mu­ni­ca­tion, struc­ture, data min­ing and analy­sis, and more.

Some of the oth­er schools that are ranked among the best data sci­ence pro­grams are Great Basin Col­lege and Azusa Pacif­ic Uni­ver­si­ty. At Great Basin Col­lege stu­dents will only pay $161 per cred­it, mak­ing it one of the most afford­able pro­grams avail­able today. This degree is a Bach­e­lor of Applied Sci­ence with a con­cen­tra­tion in Dig­i­tal Infor­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy. While that is slight­ly dif­fer­ent from data sci­ence, the degree out­comes and the edu­ca­tion you’ll receive is very sim­i­lar and will open up the same pro­fes­sion­al doors for you. Great Basin Col­lege’s spe­cif­ic offer­ing will cov­er top­ics such as dig­i­tal infor­ma­tion pro­duc­tion, com­mu­ni­ca­tion, infor­ma­tion man­age­ment, net­work­ing, and office tech­nol­o­gy. But, what’s more than that, you will also take cours­es in busi­ness, human resource man­age­ment, account­ing, and strate­gic plan­ning. The well-thought-out cur­ricu­lum and price rolled into one make this one of the best data sci­ence degree pro­grams out there.

Azusa Pacif­ic Uni­ver­si­ty charges stu­dents $450 per cred­it, which seems lofty by com­par­i­son but it makes up for it by com­bin­ing the Data Ana­lyt­ics pro­gram with this selec­tion of degree pro­grams: B.A. in Applied Psy­chol­o­gy, B.A. in Applied Stud­ies, B.A. in Lead­er­ship, B.A. in Man­age­ment, B.S. in Crim­i­nal Jus­tice, B.S. in Health Sci­ences, and B.S. in Infor­ma­tion Sys­tems. For those of you who want a data-dri­ven but diverse career, Azusa has what you’re look­ing for. The core prin­ci­ples of man­ag­ing infor­ma­tion and strate­giz­ing based on that infor­ma­tion will lead you to be effec­tive whether you want to work in the med­ical, finan­cial, or foren­sic fields and Azusa Pacif­ic Uni­ver­si­ty allows you to pair data ana­lyt­ics with the spe­cial­ized area of study that best fits your vision for your career.


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