Yes, there are some great choices for cheap colleges in Florida that can provide you with a great education at an affordable price. As recent graduates continue to struggle with student loan payment, prospective students are wise to look for the best deals in higher education. Any degree will be an investment of time and money, so doing calculations on your exact investment is the best way to protect your future and get the best bang for your buck. Paying top dollar for a degree will get you good teachers, facilities, and a name-brand diploma, but self-motivated students will receive a great education no matter where they go to school. Bachelor degrees are often just the first stepping stone towards graduate school and a career, so it makes sense to look for the best value on undergraduate education. If you are stressed financially, you also have the option of working full time while taking online classes with schedule flexibility. For reference to the most affordable online Bachelor’s degrees, check out our list of the 30 Cheapest Online Bachelor’s Degrees. Let’s take a closer look at a couple of the cheapest online Bachelor’s degrees in the state of Florida.
The Baptist College of Florida
The Baptist College of Florida is a private college that was founded in 1943 and is located in Graceville, Florida. The college was originally focused on training Baptist ministers, but the college has now expanded and offers four Associate’s degrees, 18 Bachelor’s degrees, and two Master’s degrees, all of which can be completed both on campus and online. The college is very small, as it has a total enrollment of 456 students, but that allows for a close-knit community as well as a good student to teacher ratio. At the great price of $340 per credit hour, The Baptist College of Florida is one of the best deals for students looking to find an affordable college in the state of Florida.
Southeastern University
Southeastern University is a private, Christian university located in Lakeland, Florida. The university is broken down into six different colleges: The College of Arts and Media, the Jannetides College of Business and Entrepreneurial Leadership, the College of Education, the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, the College of Christian Ministries and Religion, and the College of Natural and Health Sciences. The university offers 55 different majors for Bachelor degree seekers, as well as 16 Master’s degrees, and two doctoral degrees. Southeastern University has an active campus with approximately 7,00 students who cheer for the Southeastern University Fire, and they host the annual National Leadership Forum on campus, which has provided the stage for famous speakers such as former president George W. Bush, Condoleezza Rice, and Tim Tebow. In addition to their lively campus, the university also offers a great online educational experience, offering nine undergraduate degrees, 13 Master’s degrees, and a Doctor of Education degree, which can all be completed entirely online. Their wide variety of academic options are offered at the competitive rate of $390 per credit hour, making them a great deal for students looking for a cheap college in Florida.
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