One of the most prevalent concerns a person has when he or she wants a corrections degree is the cost. Fortunately, a person may find an affordable degree in corrections through several different manners. A person may want to consider beginning at a community college as an option for an affordable degree in corrections. These programs provide a person with education at a lower expense. A person can choose to complete an entire program or just take general courses. Then, the individual may transfer these credits to a university or college of his or her choosing. The programs are much more cost-efficient than a major college or university.
Usually, the site for that particular institution informs you of the tuition price a person can expect to pay before any type of grants or scholarships.
A person can also look into scholarships and grants for students getting a criminal justice, criminology, or corrections degree. These are available on a state and federal level and are even available through private individuals and organizations. An individual should consider employer reimbursement as well. This option consists of making an agreement with an employer. The person must complete the program, and then the employer covers a portion of the individual’s tuition for college. A person must make sure the school is approved as well as the degree program. Keep in mind that not all employers offer a tuition reimbursement program.
How We Ranked the Most Affordable Criminal Justice Corrections Degree Programs
Bachelor’s Degree Center cares about value, so we feature only accredited, legitimate schools, colleges, and universities. But for the Most Affordable ranking, one factor comes above all: tuition cost, according to current IPEDS data. Programs are presented in order from lowest cost to highest.
1. Post University
The Criminal Justice BS at Post University is an affordable criminal justice corrections degree. Students develop fingerprinting, report writing and crime scene skills. Graduates pursue jobs in criminal investigations, forensics, law enforcement, probation, corrections and imprisonment. This affordable bachelors in corrections focuses on in-class and off-site opportunities such as examining the American justice system and understanding the branches of government. Learners analyze the U.S. Constitution in relationship to modern legal and governing concerns.
Since 1890, Post University has gained a reputation for providing students with quality educational experiences. The school was among the first in the nation to introduce degrees online. Small class sizes and individual attention combined with the ability to customize degree concentrations set Post apart.
What We Like: Post received accreditation from the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) and is highly ranked among U.S. News & World Report’s best schools.
Degree: Criminal Justice, BS
Post University Criminal Justice, BS
2. University of South Florida
The University of South Florida has a Criminology, BA that ranks among the most affordable criminal justice corrections degree programs in America. This affordable bachelors in corrections teaches students research skills they can use in criminology and criminal justice careers. Students also learn basic concepts of criminology and how it’s used in the field. Graduates demonstrate analytical abilities such as the ability to apply inductive and deductive reasoning and deliver sound arguments.
South Florida is among the top three Florida universities. With an undergraduate student body of 25,000, the university offers a student-rated A‑grade in academics, value, campus, student life and other categories. With an acceptance rate of 43%, the school offers a competitive environment before students even enter their freshmen year. Nine out of ten students receive some form of financial aid.
What We Like: South Florida ranks #24 out of over 800 universities in’s listing of best schools for criminal justice.
Degree: Criminology, BA
University of South Florida Criminology, BA
3. Florida State University
Florida State University’s Criminology and Criminal Justice, BS/BA is an affordable criminal justice corrections degree that presents students with interdisciplinary education. The affordable bachelor’s in corrections program includes courses in law and ethics. The criminology/criminal justice major readies students for jobs in criminal justice agencies, including the federal, state and local levels. Successful graduates move on to jobs in law, social work, psychology and criminology.
Florida State is ranked second among public universities in Florida. Social life on campus and a top-ranked athletics program draws students who like to party in their downtime. Just 37% of students received the green light to become a Seminole, so students who aim to study here should maximize their high school learning opportunities. The professors receive an A grade based on student surveys.
What We Like: Florida State is the fourth-ranking university among more than 500 criminal justice programs considered.
Degree: Criminology and Criminal Justice, BS/BA
Florida State University Criminology and Criminal Justice
4. Fort Hayes State University
The Criminal Justice, BA/BS at Fort Hayes State University offers students interested in law and order an affordable criminal justice corrections degree. With this affordable bachelor’s in corrections, learners pick up the skills needed to excel in the criminal justice field. The immersive learning environment includes hands-on experience. Strong faculty mentorship gives students the support and confidence needed to complete their degree. Electives include a range of specializations, such as offenders, victims and police work.
Fort Hays State is a public university with less than 6,000 undergrads. Applicants have an excellent chance of acceptance — 92% of applications get the thumbs up. Other popular majors include business and liberal arts and humanities.
What We Like: Students can choose an internship to supplement their studies and gain experience in their area of specialization.
Degree: Criminal Justice, BA/BS
Criminal Justice, BA/BS — Fort Hayes State University
5. University of Central Missouri
The Criminal Justice, BS at the University of Central Missouri, an affordable criminal justice corrections degree, helps students excel in the field. Learners in this affordable bachelor’s in corrections study moral and ethical concerns related to the practice of criminal justice. The comprehensive degree includes the history and development of U.S. criminal justice institutions, as well as the causes and prevention of crime.
Central Missouri is a public, mid-size institution of approximately 8,000 undergraduate students. Its generous acceptance rate of 86% gives applicants a good chance of becoming a freshman here. Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement and Elementary Education are among the most popular majors. With 96% of students receiving financial aid, the university creates an open environment for those wishing to pursue higher education.
What We Like: Central Missouri is the eighth-ranked university in the state, ensuring students an excellent academic experience.
Degree: Criminal Justice, BS
Criminal Justice, BS — University of Central Missouri
6. University of Memphis
An affordable criminal justice corrections degree, the Criminology and Criminal Justice, BA at the University of Memphis includes mock crime classes. Successful graduates complete criminology and justice courses with at least 15 hours of upper-division classes. Students can take six credits of internships and individual studies, which provide excellent opportunities for exposure to a real-world learning experience. Eligible learners can participate in the honors program.
Memphis is a public university with a high acceptance rate — 84% of applicants are welcomed to attend the college. With 12,064 undergraduate students, the school offers students a diverse campus where other popular majors include nursing, kinesiology, and exercise science. Students have an excellent chance of receiving student aid and 98% of current students receive some form of aid.
What We Like: The University of Memphis is the third-ranking public university in Tennessee and offers students an affordable bachelor’s in corrections.
Degree: Criminology and Criminal Justice, BA
Criminology and Criminal Justice, BA — University of Memphis
7. Montana State University Northern
The Criminal Justice, BS at Montana State University-Northern prepares students for entry-level jobs or post-graduate students in the field. This affordable bachelor’s in corrections includes diverse topics such as crime prevention and enforcement. Graduates may seek work in police services, homeland security, and adult and juvenile corrections. Criminal justice majors learn about the U.S. legal system, conflict management, psychology, and corrections. MSU-N’s criminal justice program is also available as a minor.
Montana State — Northern is a public university that has just over 800 undergrad students. This small institution accepts 100% of applicants, providing access to higher education to everyone who wants it. Popular majors, beyond criminal justice, include diesel mechanics and business.
What We Like: Montana State University Northern is the sixth-ranked best value college in Montana, according to, and provides students with an affordable criminal justice corrections degree.
Degree: Criminal Justice, BS
Criminal Justice, BS — Montana State University-Northern
8. University of Georgia
The Criminal Justice, BA at the University of Georgia is an affordable criminal justice corrections degree. This affordable bachelor’s in corrections provides an interdisciplinary undergraduate degree to successful graduates. Students receive instruction in liberal arts as well as theory and research methods. As a result, CJ studies majors are ready to begin work in criminal justice fields.
Georgia is a highly rated institution with 27,947 undergraduate students. Admissions is fairly competitive as the Georgia acceptance rate is 49%. Popular majors include Finance, Psychology, and Biology. Students give the University of Georgia an A+ in academics, diversity, and value from surveyed students.
What We Like: The University of Georgia graduates 86% of students, which speaks of the quality of education and high retention rates at the school.
Degree: Criminal Justice, BA
Criminal Justice, BA — University of Georgia
9. University of Nebraska Omaha
The Criminology and Criminal Justice, BS at the University of Nebraska Omaha is an affordable criminal justice corrections degree for enterprising learners. The affordable bachelor’s in corrections gives learners a foundation in crime and criminal justice as well as criminological research methods. Students can complete this program at the university’s Omaha or Lincoln campus, and their CCJ degree can also be partially or completely online.
The University of Nebraska Omaha is a public university that accepts eight out of 10 students who apply. This mid-size institution has under 10,000 undergraduate students. Its popular majors include Criminal Justice and Safety Studies and Psychology. Students surveyed gave the school high marks in food, dorms and diversity, promising an eclectic experience for accepted freshmen and transfers.
What We Like: The University of Nebraska Omaha is the number three ranked “top university” in Nebraska, according to
Degree: Criminology and Criminal Justice, BS
Criminology and Criminal Justice, BS — University of Nebraska Omaha
10. University of North Texas
The Criminal Justice BS at the University of North Texas is an affordable criminal justice corrections degree available on campus and online. This flexible program gives learners a chance to begin a career in law enforcement. Some graduates go on to pursue positions in criminal justice. The broad curriculum addresses essential material to prepare students for private and public sector jobs or postgraduate studies.
University of North Texas at Dallas has 2,687 undergraduate students and is a public school. It accepts 83% of applicants, giving all candidates an excellent chance to pursue higher education. Popular majors include Liberal Arts and Humanities and Criminal Justice and Safety Studies. The student to faculty ratio at the school is just 17 to 1, offering students plenty of opportunities to interact with instructors while pursuing an affordable bachelor’s in corrections.
What We Like: Many UNT alumni serve as police chiefs, supervisors, and police officers in the DFW area.
Degree: BS in Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice BS — University of North Texas
What Does a Correctional Officer Do?
Basically, the job description of a correctional officer entails watching over the people who undergo arrest. The corrections officer job description also includes overseeing the individuals who are awaiting trial. The job description of a correctional officer may also include watching over those who received a sentence for prison or jail time.
One of the correctional officer job duties is enforcing rules and keeping order at a prison or jail. Another one of the job duties of a corrections officer includes survising the activities of inmates within a jail or prison. Part of the job description of a correctional officer also includes checking the facilities to make sure that all safety and security standards have been met. The corrections officer job description also includes searching the inmates for contraband.
Sometimes, part of the job duties of a correctional officer includes reporting the conduct of the inmates to the head of the jail or prison. The correctional officer job duties may include transporting and escorting inmates to the locations they need to go.
The job duties of a corrections officer in a jail or prison include enforcing the rules. If a person is wondering what are the duties of a correctional officer in a jail or prison, it’s important to know that the corrections officer needs to deescalate problems. In fact, the answer to what are the duties of a correctional officer includes preventing assaults, escapes, and disturbances.
A person asking what are the responsibilities of a correctional officer may not realize the corrections officer is the one who inspects both visitors and mail to ensure no prohibited items enter the facility. Someones who is asking what are the responsibilities of a correctional officer may also be surprised to know that the corrections officer keeps a daily log of the behaviors of the inmates.
How Much Does a Correctional Officer Make?
If working as a corrections officer seems like an ideal fit for a person, he or she may wonder how much does a corrections officer make. The correctional officer salary varies based on location, the facility itself, and how much experience a corrections officer has. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), a correctional officer salary is usually around $45,300 per year. This salary of a correctional officer is the same as $21.78 per hour. The salary of a correctional officer statistics was taken as of May 2019.
The salary of a correctional officer is higher in some locations, such as California, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New York. These are all the states that have the highest salary of a correctional officer. The average corrections officer salary in California is $78,510. The average corrections officer salary in New Jersey is $71,190. Corrections officer salaries in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New York are all between $65,000 and $69,000.
Certain facilities tend to offer higher correction officer salaries as well. For instance, state government facilities, besides schools and hospitals, tend to offer corrections officer salaries of around $50,530 per year. The salary of a corrections officer in the federal executive branch of the government is higher. In fact, when a person asks how much does a corrections officer make at a facility sponsored by the federal executive branch is $57,870. Therefore, this is the answer to how much does a federal corrections officer make.
Although the pay is higher for how much does a federal corrections officer make, a person may be interested in how much does a corrections officer make in the healthcare field. If a person is asking how much does a correctional officer make in a healthcare facility, he or she can also make more in a behavioral or substance abuse clinic. The answer to how much does a corrections officer make in a healthcare facility is $55,310.
Besides understanding how much does a corrections officer make in different areas and in different types of facilities, how much does a corrections officer make also depends on experience.
Will I Make More with a Bachelor’s in Corrections?
According to the BLS, a corrections officer doesn’t require a degree. A person can earn the ability to work as a corrections officer with only training from an academy. However, the correctional officer salary with a bachelor degree is higher. In some cases, the degree is necessary, and therefore, the correctional officer salary with a bachelor’s degree is higher.
As noted above, the correctional officer salary with degree is usually around $50,000. In some states, the correctional officer salary with degree is even higher.
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